Blogtober 2023 : Day 13

Today’s weather forecast:  nope, I’m going to let you guess 🙂

Rain falling into a puddle

It’s Friday – hooray!  I’ve not so many photos to share today as I was doing some day job stuff this morning and then went for a massage and I’m fit for nothing afterwards!  I used to think that massages were luxuries for occasional treats but since I’ve been doing more knitting (and probably getting older, too), I’ve found that they are more of an essential for me now to make sure that my muscles don’t end up getting so knotted up that I damage myself.  That would not do at all!

However, I can continue with the critically acclaimed series entitled “Cat in a Box” …

A tabby and white cat sits in a cardboard box on top of a bookcase

and I can show some progress on my Future Dreams sock …

A partly knitted sock in stripes of pink and neon green is lying on a wooden table next to the ball of yarn and an orange mug

I am loving these stripes!

And suddenly, she was up to the heel flap!

The heel flap of a partly knitted sock on a double pointed knitting needle, lying on a wooden table

Can I just say that if you’re gifting socks this Christmas, Thanksgiving or any other holiday or celebration, then DK socks may be the way to go?  They’re thick, squishy and knit up significantly more quickly than 4ply socks so if you’ve got a long list of them to produce before any big day, DK yarn may cut your knitting time down by quite a bit!

Oh, and if you’re gifting socks, I also want to show you these …

Four sock bands with different captions Four sock bands with different captions Washing instructions detail on a sock band

They’re sock bands to put your socks in to give to somebody – the captions make me laugh and the washing instructions are brilliant.  After all your hard work, you want to know that whoever you’re giving your socks to is going to look after them, don’t you?

They’re made by Julie of Tilly Flop Designs.  You may well have seen her recently if you’ve been to this year’s yarn festivals – she was at Yarndale and more recently at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace last weekend, and you may well have seen her fun yarn-related greetings cards and tea towels at yarn shops too.

This isn’t an affiliate link or promotion, I just thought you might like to see them, and if you want to investigate further you can find her shop on Etsy (link above).  I’ve known Julie for years since she came to one of the sock workshops that I ran years ago and I always enjoy reading her email newsletters to see what new products she has.  I’ve been using her annual wall planners for a long time to help plan my blogging and design work over the year, and it’s extra-helpful as there are yarn festival dates on there as well so I can see what’s going on around the country.


I’ve actually managed to write this post at a more reasonable time tonight so I’m pretty pleased with myself! 🙂  We’re having a late dinner so I’ll say cheerio for now (or, now that I’ve returned to my Welsh lessons, Hwyl am y tro) and catch up with you tomorrow xx



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7 Responses

  1. Liz Jennens says:

    There is a wonderful book for young children called My cat likes to hide in boxes. Sure you would enjoy it

  2. Jan says:

    where do you have Welsh lessons? my husband wants to learn welsh! is it on line? thankyou

  3. Jennifer Goodman says:

    sock bands are sooo cute and also a great idea when gifting socks to non-knitters. have a good night knitting everyone ❤️

  4. Alice says:

    Your socks are truly beautiful Christine but I’m afraid the pussycat steals the show!

  5. Susan Rayner says:

    I have been catching up with all the October blogs to date and thoroughly enjoying them. Just ordered some sock bands and some of Julie’s knitting related cards – her Etsy shop is just brilliant.

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