Easter Monday
I really love a Bank Holiday Monday and as today is Easter Monday, that’s exactly what this is. I love that feeling of the weekend being extended and although I know that it will...
I really love a Bank Holiday Monday and as today is Easter Monday, that’s exactly what this is. I love that feeling of the weekend being extended and although I know that it will...
So, when faced with the choice of launching into the next task on the to-do list or sitting down, which one do you take? Sadly, despite my ongoing resolution to sit down more, I...
Hello! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. We’re taking the opportunity of the four-day Easter holiday to get a few jobs done but also to try to take time to have a rest...
Here in the UK, those of the Christian faith have been celebrating Easter this weekend. It’s a busy time in the church calendar and for those who are not church-goers, it’s a lovely long...
It’s been a strange Easter school holiday this year. Both the girls have had two weeks off, but their holidays have only overlapped for one week. Big daughter spent her week off before Easter...
First magnolia flower – and one of the first bumble bees I’ve seen this year … Simnel cake, decorations by small daughter … Helleborus niger – Lenten rose … Cornflower blue Anemone blanda and yellow celandines...