Monthly Musing – January 2025 – Fresh air
“Fresh air is magic; you should get outside every day!” I am very good at telling people this but it appears that sometimes, I am better at dispensing this advice than taking any notice...
“Fresh air is magic; you should get outside every day!” I am very good at telling people this but it appears that sometimes, I am better at dispensing this advice than taking any notice...
It’s hours away from the New Year and soon we’ll be in 2025. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing lots of social media posts about “finishing” the year in a particular...
“… and then my friend said that if she had only known about this ten years ago, her life could have been completely different …” I’ve been chatting to a friend on the phone...
My husband and I have been chatting this evening, checking in with each other to see how we’re doing. It something that we started doing during the unpleasantness of perimenopause and whatever the male...
“Hello! Welcome to our club!” It’s been a long time since I’ve been the “new girl” at anything, and but here I was at my first session at a Tai Chi class and, staring...
In September, my husband and I will join thousands of other parents around the country who wave off their youngest child to (in our case) university, but it could be anything that takes them...