Category: Monthly Musing

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – January 2025 – Fresh air

“Fresh air is magic; you should get outside every day!” I am very good at telling people this but it appears that sometimes, I am better at dispensing this advice than taking any notice...

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – December 2024 – Finishing …

It’s hours away from the New Year and soon we’ll be in 2025. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing lots of social media posts about “finishing” the year in a particular...

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – November 2024 – If only …

“… and then my friend said that if she had only known about this ten years ago, her life could have been completely different …” I’ve been chatting to a friend on the phone...

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – September 2024 – New girl

“Hello!  Welcome to our club!” It’s been a long time since I’ve been the “new girl” at anything, and but here I was at my first session at a Tai Chi class and, staring...

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – August 2024 – All change

In September, my husband and I will join thousands of other parents around the country who wave off their youngest child to (in our case) university, but it could be anything that takes them...