Tagged: Yarn Shop Day

Yarn Shop Day 2018

Did you get out to your local yarn shop last Saturday?  Lots of people made it to Black Sheep Wools where I spent my day – it was fab!  It never feels like any...

Yarn Shop Day 2017

The plan for today was to write a quick post to remind you about Yarn Shop Day tomorrow (6 May), but before I do anything else, I must say a huge THANK YOU for...

Yarn Shop Day 2016

It was Yarn Shop Day on Saturday and after the fun of last year, I was really looking forward to being part of the celebrations at Black Sheep Wools.  This is the third Yarn...

Easter holidays

Both of my girls go to schools in different local authorities and generally their holidays coincide – but not this time. Luckily they have overlapped for one week out of the three that they...