Tagged: RHS gardens

A pair of purple variegate socks on wooden sock blockers inscribed with the Winwick Mum logo are lying on a brown tiled floor next to a succulent plant

Blue sky Saturday

Good morning, good morning, happy Saturday to you!  I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but we have the most beautiful blue sky up above and it’s promising to be a lovely...

A white mug of tea and a rainbow-striped partly knitted sock are balanced on a stone wall. Behind them, the view is across green fields and trees to a lake and a mountain. The water is still and reflects the sky and the mountain

Still calm

It seems almost impossible that it’s a week ago that I last chatted with you and this was the view with my morning brew. Yes, I have slopped my tea down the side of...

A garden border with a variety of flowering tulips in a range of colours from orange to pink to red

More fresh air!

Not so small daughter was back at college this week – well, for most of this week as there was another teachers’ strike and we spent Thursday morning sharing the kitchen table with our...

A sign at RHS Harlow Carr against a stone building and a blue sky.

RHS Harlow Carr

It was a few weeks ago now (Blogtober Day 21, to be exact!) that I drove from Winwick across the moors to Skipton to pick up my lovely friend Lucy for a visit to...

Two arches of a brick built railway viaduct against a brilliant blue sky. The foot of the arches are covered with vegetation.

Back to RHS Bridgewater

Friday again … aren’t the weeks whizzing past?!  I hope you’ve had a good one! I took this photo on Monday’s dog walk – look at that sky! First of all, let me say...

A selection of huge planters filled with plants in front of the RHS Bridgewater welcome building. The wooden-clad centre is behind with the RHS name and logo in silver letters

RHS Bridgewater

We have many roles within our own lifetimes – children, parents, partners, friends, workers – we should never think of ourselves as just doing one thing, and amongst my other roles, I am both...