Category: Winwick Mum

A partial rainbow across a grey stormy sky

Short days

It’s the winter solstice tomorrow, the shortest day of the year for the northern hemisphere. Part of me is always a little bit sad as winter is my favourite time and reaching the shortest...

An open laptop with the latest Winwick Mum blog post on the screen. Next to the laptop on the wooden table is an orange mug of tea and a cupcake with a candle in it. In the background are bookcases filled with books

Blogtober 2024 : Day 20

There’s a bit of a celebration today on the Winwick Mum blog – this is my 1,000th post!  I know!  I hadn’t been keeping count so I was quite stunned when I looked at...

A chopped up credit card lying on a white table next to an open pair of scissors

Blogtober 2023 : Day 3

Goodbye, credit card! There is something quite satisfying about chopping the plastic card up into pieces, but it’s not quite so satisfying when it’s necessary because someone else has been trying to spend money...

A view across Manchester from the cocktail bar of a tall hotel building. There is a cocktail menu on the table


Big daughter spent some time with a good friend of hers and her toddler son last week. “Mum, he’s so cute!” she exclaimed, showing me photos of the little chap enthralled by ducks on...

An open suitcase with a turquoise blue hoody, a red, blue and white Guide necker (neckerchief) and a green and yellow fan lying on it

All my chickens …

have been back home where I like them to be this week!  I’ve had all my family in the house, even big daughter who has her own house but can still call this one...

A field of golden barley with a group of dark trees in the distance for context. Above, the blue sky is partly covered with large white and one black cloud

Summer days

Hi!  How are you doing?  Today’s post has come out a bit later than I intended but you’ve got it to read now 🙂  I think it’s a little late to say “white rabbits”...