Tagged: Shetland knitting belt

Flaming June

It turns out (I have discovered since I started writing this post) that ‘Flaming June” is actually a painting by Sir Frederic Leighton but in our house, the expression has always been used rather...

Two carved pumpkins lit up in the dark.

Blogtober 2021 : Day 31

And here we are, Hallowe’en, the last day of October and the last day of Blogtober 2021.  Oh what a month it has been!  Thank you so much if you’ve stuck with me for...

A flatlay of a half-knitted purple shawl curled around a yarn bowl containing the rest of the yarn.

Blogtober 2021 : Day 18

Well, we’re on the downhill side of Blogtober now – 13 days to go and then what will we do with ourselves? 🤣 Here’s my Blogtober Changing Staircases shawl – I’m well on track...

Leaves of shades and brown and yellow littered on the floor. A pair of brown boots are at the bottom of the photo for context,

Blogtober 2021 : Day 13

“All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey …” It’s raining again today so the dog and I stayed close to home for our walk.  Our route takes us past some builders...

The sun is behind Christine and the dog and it throws their shadows onto the woodland path.

Blogtober 2021 : Day 7

Hooray!  Sunshine! After all the rain of the last couple of days, it was lovely to be outside and feel the warmth from the sun, even if it was that Autumn sun without the...

A partly-knitted purple shawl on two long double pointed needles. A sheet marked with rows worked and the pattern are visible, and one of the needles is pushed into a knitting belt

Blogtober 2021 : Day 6

It’s quite a relief to see blue sky today albeit with more than a few clouds in there.  Phew, it didn’t half put down some rain last night!  It was windy too, and the...