À Paris – part three
There has been so much to write about the few days that not so small daughter and I spent in Paris – I certainly didn’t think it would take up three blog posts! (part...
There has been so much to write about the few days that not so small daughter and I spent in Paris – I certainly didn’t think it would take up three blog posts! (part...
Not so small daughter and I were up bright and early the next morning to get to the Louvre before the crowds (you can read about our first day in Paris here) … or...
Bonjour, mes amis! Comment allez vous? No, don’t worry, you’ve not arrived at the wrong blog, it really is me and that’s about as much French as you’ll be getting today! 🙂 It’s been...
Hello! How are you doing? We were on holiday last week – oh, doesn’t it feel good to be able to say that again?! We went to Snowdonia, an area in Wales which is...
Gosh, it’s Friday again! The week has passed me by in a bit of a blur; it was school holidays here (again) last week and it always takes me some time to get back...
We’ve been away for the last ten days, soaking up Spanish sun, Sangria and having a thoroughly restful time. It’s been bliss! We took big daughter’s boyfriend with us and the five of us...