Winwick Mum Sockalong 3rd birthday

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Sockalong,

Happy birthday to you!

I’m absolutely thrilled to be writing this on the Sockalong’s 3rd birthday.  Three whole years of the sock tutorials helping beginners to get that first pair of socks on their feet – that’s definitely something to be celebrated, I would say!

And how the Sockalong has grown!  When I first started the Sockalong, I thought it would be nice if a few people took part, and if 30 people joined the Facebook group that would be a good number for chatting.  Wow – it’s been so much more than that!  Thousands of people visit the blog every day and there are now more than 10,000 members in the Winwick Mum Sockalong Facebook group (the group that is dedicated to helping beginners to work through the Sockalong tutorials) and almost 10,000 members in the Winwick Mum Knit n Natter Facebook group (the group that’s all about chatting and knitting in our virtual living room).  Tea and cake is optional, but there’s always something to talk about – and I think it’s blooming marvellous that so many people have now got socks on their needles!

The best thing about the Sockalong birthday is that it’s an opportunity for me to say thank you to you for knitting the socks, and for telling others about the tutorials so that they can knit the socks too.  I do like to say that I’m on a mission to take over the world with hand-knitted socks, but it’s not just because I think it would be wonderful to see every pair of feet in hand-knits, but more than that, I love that the process of knitting the socks can be such a life-changing thing for people.  Every day, I see pictures on social media of people knitting socks whilst they’re waiting in queues, being driven in cars (if you knit whilst you’re driving, don’t tell me about it because it’s not a good idea!), waiting for appointments, even walking the dog (no, I’ve not tried that one!).  Delays are no longer a burden but an opportunity get a few more rounds knitted.  I love the idea that in waiting rooms all over the world, people are getting their little fix of calm before they see whoever they need to see, their fingers moving in a rhythm of stitches that is both productive and meditative.  I am very honoured to be a little part of that, that through the Sockalong I am able to give someone the push and hopefully the confidence to give it a go – and that by you taking the time to give my tutorials a go and then telling others, you’re a part of that too.  Be proud!

So, in what has become Sockalong birthday tradition, I have a giveaway – two prizes again this year, thanks to friends of the Sockalong community, and you can see them below.

In this prize is a signed copy of Super Socks, a Winwick Mum Sockalong badge, a yarn holder, a ball of West Yorkshire Spinners yarn and a set of stitch markers.

In this prize is a signed copy of Super Socks, a Winwick Mum Sockalong badge, an Addi circular needle, a ball of West Yorkshire Spinners yarn and a set of stitch markers.

Would you like to take a closer look?  I won’t show you the book again as I think it’s quite obvious what that is (it’s the paperback version of the tutorials, just in case you’ve managed to miss it 🙂 ), but here’s a close up of the badge which is in both prizes.  It’s an enamel badge with two pins on the back, ideal for attaching to project bags, coats, bags – perfect for wearing to yarn festivals so that you can be spotted by other Sockalongers too!

This is one of the balls of West Yorkshire Spinners yarn – it’s Signature 4ply which is lovely yarn for socks; a blend of wool including 35% Blue-faced Leicester (our home-grown equivalent of merino).  It’s not too smooth to knit with straight from the ball, making it ideal for beginners who have enough to think about without the yarn sliding off the needles at every opportunity, but will bloom and soften beautifully when washed – it copes very well with being washed in a machine too, which is always useful!  The ball was gifted by my friends at Black Sheep Wools who stock all the WYS colours and make choosing a single ball very difficult!  This colourway is Rum Paradise from the Cocktail range and knits up into rainbow stripes.

The ball fits very nicely onto this spinning yarn holder.  It’s in two pieces; the top piece spins so all you need to do is push your ball of yarn onto it and it will unwind the ball as you knit, saving you having to chase your ball of yarn all over the floor.

It’s also great for when you wind skeins into cakes as they are held firmly by the central rod and don’t disintegrate as you use the yarn (which is what happens if you pull from the centre – ask me how I know this 🙂 ).

Finally, in this prize, is a set of stitch markers beautifully made by Rachel of Demelza’s Delights.  Rachel has been kind enough to gift stitch markers for the Sockalong birthday prizes each year, and every year I love the markers she sends.  Look at these!  They’re called “Shimmering Flowers”.  I’ve definitely got my eye on these ones, so if you don’t want them, I can give them a very good home 😉

Here’s what’s in the other prize … a book and a badge as you’ve seen already, and a ball of West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4ply yarn.  This colourway is Wood Pigeon from the British birds range which is also knits into stripes.  I am always astounded by how close these colours are to the actual colours of the birds’ feathers – we have lots of wood pigeons that like to visit our garden to stomp about on the grass, dance tangos on the bird feeders, poop on our cars from a great height and generally make a birdy nuisance of themselves, so I get a lot of time to see the colour of their feathers and this yarn is a wood pigeon in a ball!  Having said that, this colourway is my favourite of the British birds (and Rum Paradise is my favourite of the Cocktail colours) so I can forgive the feathery pests just a little bit 🙂

The circular needle is an Addi 80cm needle which is perfect for knitting a pair of socks on magic loop – no other needles required.  I’m still miffed that I lost a DPN down the dashboard of my old car, never to be seen again, but there is none of that when knitting your socks with magic loop.  It’s a 2.5mm size, just right for casting on a new pair of socks!  Most of my sock needles are Addi; I have always been very impressed by them and would always recommend them for beginners.

Finally, another set of Rachel’s gorgeous stitch markers.  This set is called “Diamonds and Pearls”, and they really do sparkle in the sunshine!

Would you like to win one of these prizes?  It’s very easy to enter …

For the last two years, I’ve been asking you to tell me how many pairs of Sockalong socks you knitted since the last Sockalong birthday.  I’ll never know how many pairs of socks have been knitted using the tutorials but it’s nice to get at least some idea, so this year will be continuing the tradition.  So far, our running total stands at 7,600 pairs – how many more have been knitted this year?!  It’s not a competition with previous years, it’s just a bit of fun (and might also tell me how close we are to really taking over the world with hand-knit socks 😉 )

To enter the giveaway, please comment how many pairs of basic Sockalong socks (not other patterns, please) you have knitted since May 2017.  Don’t worry if you’re still making you first pair or are about to cast on, just write that information and your comment will count too.

The giveaway will be drawn on Sunday 6 May 2018 as close to 8pm BST as possible.  I am happy to post the prizes anywhere in the world so don’t feel that you can’t be part of this because you don’t live in the UK.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a Google or blog account to leave a comment, you can leave it as “anonymous” but don’t forget to put your name in the comment so that when I post the winners I’ll be able to identify you so that you can get in touch for your prize!  Oh, and also don’t worry that your comment doesn’t show straight away – the comments are set for me to check them before they upload to the blog to make sure that no spam gets through so they are all safely stored in my blog messages until I’ve seen them.  I’ll make sure they’re all uploaded on time!

Happy birthday Sockalong, here’s to many more years of socking all over the world!

The giveaway has now closed, you can find out who won and what this year’s sock total is here.

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293 Responses

  1. Susan Rayner says:

    Happy Birthday!! Thank you Christine for starting this wonderful group! So many friends made now over the past few years and a great way of passing time with like minded people! Not to mention how many lovely pairs of socks knitted and gifted!!

  2. Simone Harding says:

    I am on working on pair number 10.
    Happy birthday to you. Love your patterns and tutorials.

  3. Mo says:

    2 pairs and 1.75 socks in progress! Amazinginly, I can now knit socks!

  4. Anonymous says:

    17 pairs up to now! Thank you Christine for the knowledge of how to make them! Really enjoy your blog too. Kim McCreith

  5. Unknown says:

    Hi Christine – I started as a sockette last year and I've made 5 pairs of socks since then and it's also given me the confidence to knit other things (rather than staying with my crochet comfort zone!). Many thanks, Fiona x

  6. Unknown says:

    Hi, Happy Birthday to the sockalong, thanks to you I've knitted 6 pairs so far and am half-way through my seventh pair. I've prompted my daughter to start knitting socks using your tutorials as she lives a long way away, she's nearly finished her first pair and I'm hoping Mum has started too she was talking about it and I directed her to your tutorials! So a huge thank you!!!!

  7. Suz says:

    Pair 1 completed, several single socks in progress! I’ve attempted a pattern here and there and always come back to your pattern because it makes so much sense! I’ve spread the love by recommending your pattern to people who think sock making is beyond them too.

  8. antique quilter says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and yes I have made 3 pairs of your socks, all as gifts that were truly loved

  9. Trish says:

    I'm on pair number 8. I couldn't have done them without the tutorial and the YouTube videos.

  10. Kay Birnie says:

    Happy Birthday! Fantastic pattern, so easy to follow. I have made 5 pairs (no 5 currently on the needles).

  11. Jill Bruce says:

    Think it's 6 – I only use your sockalong pattern – I have a pair always on the go which I keep in the car and usually a pair on the go for the times when I am tired as I can knit them without thinking too much! Thanks for the great pattern!

  12. Gill B says:

    Hi. I’ve only recently joined and am close to finishing my first sockalong sock (singular!). Just plucking up the courage to attempt Kitchener stitch. Thanks, Gill Bennet

  13. pippajb says:

    Hello Christine ,

    I have completed 2 pairs of basic socks and also 4 singles in my attempt to perfect my knitting of socks. Your instructions are easy to follow and I have found them the best of many I've looked at. I wanted to knit sock for many years but found it frustratingthe ladders left when using double pointed knitting. When I found your instructions for the magic loop method I was thrilled at last I could knit socks. Thank you.
    Philippa x

  14. Anonymous says:

    I've managed 5 full pairs of basic sockalong socks this year and one half pair that got ripped back more than once then abandoned.
    Beth Murray, West Yorkshire.

  15. Anne-marie says:

    wow. what a fabulous giveaway 🙂 happy birthday … I have the pattern for a basic sock, a yarn, but just havn't taken the plunge yet……it feels like a huge leap from basic baby knitting 🙂 Anne P.

  16. Elizabeth Atkinson says:

    hello im on pair number 4! since March! Im loving every stitch! happy birthday x

  17. SueA says:

    I'm on my first pair. Frogged probably six times whilst trying magic loop on 80cm circulars. Decided to follow Christine''s recommendation of 30cm circulars and have just put in a lifeline ready to start heel flap-no frogging at all! Great site-have picked up a lot of info-thank you. Never thought I'd be knitting my own socks!

  18. Jo says:

    Congratulations on getting so many people knitting socks. I haven't knitted any basic Sockalong socks this past year but I've knit many other patterns. I have, however, directed many people to your tutorials and I believe more people can now knit socks because of this.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I have just finished pair 1!!! The next pair is to follow soon! Thank you so much and happy birthday!! Jess Beeson (member of the fb sockalong group)

  20. Diane@Sale says:

    Happy Birthday! I joined the Winwick Mum sock party in April last year.
    Since last May I've knitted 12 pairs, mainly for Christmas gifts last year.
    I love it! Thank you so much or inspiring me. x

  21. Kelly gadsby says:

    A very happy birthday (it would of been my mum's birthday today too) I've only done 3 pairs of basic as I'm trying my hand at a pattern for my 4th and they take me forever to do but I enjoy every stitch and love reading the blogs and fb posts all things winwick

  22. Hayley Dunn says:

    All my socks bar one have been based on your pattern so I make that seven pairs.But this year 3pairs.

  23. Melanie Denyer says:

    Happy birthday, and thank you so much. Thanks to Winwick Mum Sockalong I can wear socks again (I'm a latex allergy sufferer) and it's given me a new lease of crafting life.

    Being able to knit socks has made me wonder what else I might one day manage. I've managed 2 pairs so far, with another on the needles for my Mum, so I guess that's 3 here to be added to the account.

    Huge thanks, Christine. You've made such a positive difference, wheyher you realise it or not.

    Melanie xx

  24. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I’ve only made 1.5 pairs of socks but could not have done without your pattern. The tutorials, pictures, videos and Facebook page are amazing and made knitting socks easy and not as scary or as hard as I first thought. Thank you Christine x ��

  25. thatwoman says:

    Happy birthday Sockalong! I am knitting my 3rd pair of basic socks since I discovered you last summer. I never thought I would be able to do this, but it has saved my sanity sitting in on so many hospital waiting rooms. Thank you so much for your patience and the calm way you explain everything.

  26. Unknown says:

    Happy 3rd birthday!
    I have only knitted 1 sock not a pair 🙈 since may 2017, only started this year and had great support from tge sockalong group (elizabeth jayne on fb)

  27. Carole Eamey says:

    I love knitting socks and have recommended the sockalong to anyone and everyone who's interested!I think I've knitted at least 10 pairs of basic socks in the past year.

  28. Unknown says:

    Wow Christine three years! And what an achievement! I am on about 15 pairs in between all the other things I have been involved in doing but would never be anywhere without a sock on my “cocktail stick” circulars! Thank you for giving us the confidence to knit what I thought of as a “dark art”. Take care and hopefully we will hear soon about the interview! Xx Sarah Hogg xx

  29. Michelle says:

    It’s my birthday too today so thrilled to be spending it with the Sockalong Birthday and I have been thrilled to finally knit socks using your instructions which are wonderful. Thanks to all the ladies on the Wineick groups as well for all their support xx

  30. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Christine!!!My family has wonderful handmade socks thanks to you!!Please write instructionsfor Fish Lips Heel!!!

  31. Harmelodie says:

    Happy 3rd birthday sock along, I've been following this for a while and now it's time to take the plunge and cast on my first pair I can't wait. Louisa Saunders

  32. The Puddle Stone says:

    Oh Christine, this year I have made an astounding 31 pairs, number 32 is on the needles. I’m proud to be a founder member of the group and have never looked back since making my first sock there is always a pair on my needles. Thank you! Lissie Wales x x

  33. Anonymous says:

    13 pairs for me during the past year. Only been part of this club for 2 years and love it and sock knitting. Happy birthday! Dorothy Bradbury

  34. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Christine. The hand knitted sock revolution is well under way! 8 made, just turned the heel on first sock of pair 9!

  35. Carol Ann Copp says:

    Since 2017 about 3 completed pairs. And a few SS !
    Carol Ann Copp.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Not as much as i would of liked due to other knittibg projects and other commitments but hopefully wmthis will prompt me to finish a pr of baby socks and a pr of mens by Sunday….ps love the pigeon prize.cheryllcrocker of the sockalong fb group x

  37. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong! ��

    I've completed two pairs and am itching to get cracking on with the third!

    Thank you for giving this left-handed clumsy crocheter the confidence to pick up the knitting needles and give it a go xx

  38. Julie Nelson Rhodes says:

    Happy inc1! And I've *only* knitted two pairs … third pair are on needles and there are, of course, millions in my future!!

  39. Strickyp says:

    Just about to cast on my first pair of sock along Socks

  40. Donna says:

    Happy Birthday sockalong. I've knitted five pairs of sockalong socks and plan to knit many more for my family and I. I even got my niece into knitting your socks. We love it.

  41. Katy says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong! And thanks Christine for helping me to learn to knit socks at last.
    Two pairs finished, a third about a third of the way through the first sock, and another started and totally frogged (not sure that counts, as it's just a ball of wool and some needles right now!)

  42. Acres of Crafts says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, I have knitted 15 pairs in the last year.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Happy 3rd birthday Sockalong! I've been following along for 16 months. Took the plunge to get knitting in January 2018. Have knitted 6 pairs in four months with many more planned. Thanks Christine! Tiffany Smith, Melbourne, Australia

  44. Lesley Leighton says:

    Hi Christine
    Happy 3rd birthday!!!
    Having only just found your blog a few months ago, I immediately ordered everything I needed to knit socks. Thank you for the Sockalong tutorials, I am still on my first pair of socks, one sock completed except for the toe seam, still got to master that and the second sock is halfway down the leg section, I take my sock whenever I have a moment to myself, find it really relaxing. Your tutorial has made it really easy for a total novice sock knitter to join along.

  45. Unknown says:

    6 to date since I started in January this year. I love how quick they are to make. I love your book the pictures are great to use

  46. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday and what a super prize. I have managed to knit 3 pairs of the sockalongs

  47. Vanessa says:

    First pair on the needles. Just discovered your blog (must have been asleep these last few years!). Great inspiration thank you.

  48. Nutmeg says:

    Have attempted to cast on ny first pair a few things times! I will get over this hurdle by the end of this year!!

  49. Mummyto3monsters says:

    Happy Birthday xx To date I have made and finished 5 pairs of socks! Thank you so much for doing the book and the blog to allow me to make these beautiful socks xx

    Katrina Griffiths

  50. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday! I have knitted two pairs and almost completed my third. Vicky Clegg

  51. lemonmelon says:

    Happy birthday! I've made 4 pairs this year as well as graduating to some variations! The basic pattern is still my go to though!

  52. Michelle says:

    Oops so excited about sharing my birthday with Sockalong Birthday I forgot to let you know how many socks I have made – I have made 4 pairs and have enough sock wool to knit it 55 pairs! I’m addicted xx

  53. Anonymous says:

    I'm on pair no 10 this year but that's in between trying other sock patterns and knitting lots of other things too including a blanket made of 90 different squares for a Xmas present! My favourite tho is still the basic winwick mum sock 🙂 Jackie West XX

  54. Vicky says:

    Happy birthday to the Sockalong! I've knit 3 pairs and owe you a big thank you, too. I had been wanting to knit for a few years before you issued the Sockalong instructions and their total clarity finally prompted me to try. Vicky from Brum

  55. tink says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, i have knitted 48 pairs of socks since last May, i am addicted hehe Thank you

  56. Alexroosje says:

    Happy Birthday Christine! I was so happy discovering the Winwick Mum Facebook page! Your tutorials are very clear for a beginner sockette, and the creation of a sock is chopped into seven pieces (to me) that are easy to understand and unravel (as it were) the Mystery of Sock Making. Everyone who marvels at my sock knitting I refer to your Winwick page, and I let them know that they also are able to Knit a Sock, no Mystery at all.
    Since last May I knit five pair and four singles, and hopefully I'll be able to knit loads of Socks in the future!
    Alexandra Oosterling-Vestering, Geleen, the Netherlands

  57. gilesy41 says:

    Happy 3rd birthday to Sockalong and thank you so much Christine :). I have learned so much from your Sockalong group on facebook and your blog too. I would never have attempted to try making socks in the past. I am not a confident knitter at all, but i have managed to make one pair and i have another pair on the go now :). Geraldine Giles on Facebook. xx

  58. Jean says:

    Happy Birthday! You can add my 5 pairs to your sockalong running total, cheers!

  59. Pam H says:

    Happy Birthday! Four pairs of socks, all from the basic pattern and all for my husband!

  60. Granny Sue Makes says:

    Just 1 for me, so far! I finished my first ever pair of socks at the end of April, thanks to Louise Tilbrooks April challenge and your wonderful Sockalong instructions. Now about to start my second pair as my 6yo grandaughter requested a pair the same as mine "but pink". Brilliant, clear instructions, thank you and Happy Birthday!

  61. Anonymous says:

    Thanks to your wonderfully clear instructions, I am knitting my 2nd pair of socks. Short circular needles are amazing – my father told me he used to knit his own socks as a child on 4 DPNs and I just don't know how he managed it. By joining the Facebook sockalong group, I even discovered a friend at church also knits socks. Thank you Christine for being such an inspiration and so encouraging! Dorothy Wagstaff

  62. Cramtele8 says:

    One day, I will start a winwick sock , I just haven't had the courage to start yet. I'm not sure I can make it to a pair

  63. Unknown says:

    Hi this Tanja Kedian. Happy Birthday ���������� firstly I am thrilled and grateful to be part of this group. It took me a year of looking at everyone else’s work before I decided to take the plunge and knit my first sock. To date I am on pair 31, although I am not sure there may be more lurking about that I can’t remember after giving them away. Safe to say that I am addicted. I wish you all the best and may your group only grow from foot to foot ����

  64. Kath S says:

    I’ve done 2 pairs this year they are gifts for my brother and sister in law who are doing the Yorkshire 3 peaks for the British Heart Foundation in July. Happy birthday Sockalong you started this on the very weekend I bought my first 100g of sock yarn and dpns��

  65. Sue says:

    I've knitted 2 pairs since asking for sock wool for Christmas after seeing a fellow Sockalonger knitting socks on a plane from Germany. It's a great hobby as it is so portable and you end up with something unique and very wearable. Happy Birthday!!

  66. Sadie Garrod says:

    Hi Christine,

    Wow 3 years! I've followed you for almost all 3 years of this and love the community that has grown around our love of knitted socks.
    In the last year I've created 3 pairs using your basic pattern. Socks aside, in the last year I've been connected to fellow knitters and crafters from around the globe and for me that is the greatest feeling – more so than wearing hand knitted socks.

    Sadie Garrod

  67. Unknown says:

    I have to admit I have made zero pairs of your basic sock, but I love both facebook groups. They always brighten up my day. If I win I promise the yarn with become my first Winwick pair!

    Sarah Gandy

  68. Anonymous says:

    So that was quite an eye opener!! I have knitted 59 pairs of socks in the last three years!! In the last twelve months 16 of those have been the fab Winwick Mum basic sock. I think it will always be my go to pattern!! Karen Bowland

  69. Tamzin Sharrod says:

    I’ve made 9 pairs of the basic socks and am now knitting my first cable pair! Thank you so much for the free patterns and tutorials. My whole family love the socks so I think i’ll Be knitting them forever!

  70. Jennifer says:

    I am knitting my first sock!! Happy Sock day!!

  71. Jinty says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong! so glad I found you. I have knitted 2 pairs since last May. Must start to wear them – I just like looking at them, lol! Best wishes for the all the years to come! X

  72. Veganrocks says:

    WHoo hoo!! Casting on for the first time!! 😀

  73. Shell Spencer says:

    Happy Birthday 😊 I've made 6 pairs so far and never would of be able to without your pattern (and the discovery of short circulars) Thank you!

  74. Emma Parker says:

    I'm on my 15th pair since the lat birthday. Two pairs of these were knitted in super chunky as slipper socks but using the stitch calculation. They were gratefully received by my twin nephews. Thanks Christine for your fabulous pattern, and fostering such a great atmosphere in the groups! x Emma Parker

  75. Felixmum says:

    Hello, Christine, Just the one, I'm afraid, but I bought some yarn yesterday to make pair number 2! Carol Bloomfield

  76. Helen Lynch says:

    Over the three years, dozens! This year it has slowed down to five pairs as you have given me confidence to branch out with different patterns. Thank you for the last three years and looking forward to many many more. I would be lost without the Facebook groups and so many new friends!

  77. Barbiedi says:

    Happy birthday, such easy to follow patterns they are brilliant, I am on pair number four and there will definitely be more, thank you xx

  78. Unknown says:

    I knitted my first pair in October 2017, which I kept for myself as I was so proud of them. Since then I have knitted a pair for my sister-in-law, a pair for my husband, and am now halfway through a pair for my daughter. Now I can't resist buying sock yarn. Thank you for the Sockalong – it has changed my life! Happy birthday.

  79. Linda Carlin says:

    Happy Birthday to the Sockalongers I have made 4 pairs of socks, I’m only a beginner xxx. Linda Carlin

  80. Anonymous says:

    Four pairs! Experimented with patterns and different coloured heels and toes! My cousin passed on lots of sock wool so need to make lots more! So great to take to hospital appts with the elderlies – and great conversation starters with random, lovely people! Katherine Hewish xx

  81. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! And what a fantastic giveaway.
    I've made 33 pairs of socks from the basic sock pattern (slightly addictive) quite a lot of these have been for gifts and people asking me to make them a pair 🙂 Johanna Ludlow x

  82. Anonymous says:

    I love the Sockalong! �� I have only knitted one pair so far but I have many more planned! I am @knitteddaydreams on instagram!

  83. Unknown says:

    Thanks for putting so much hard work into helping us learn to knit socks!
    Ive knitted 2 pairs and planning my next x

  84. Hollyjw says:

    I have finished 9 pairs and have two more pairs started. Your patterns simplicity lets me take my knitting anywhere for thosr moments of stitching. I am so glad my friend Jan introduced me to this wonderful group and pattern. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  85. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday – working on my first pair of sockalong socks – thanks for all you do. Julia H xx

  86. dodo says:

    Thank you Christine for writing such an amazing book waiting eagerly for book number 2 😃 I’ve made 12 pairs using your basic patter

  87. Ann says:

    I've made 7 pair this year and they're all I wear now!

  88. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday! I have not had much time to knit and need to change that soon. I have made 2.5 pairs using your fantastic book. Cannot wait to make more. Briana Ruckart

  89. Christine Owen says:

    Happy Birthday 🙂 I've I think knitted 2 basic pairs in the last year and my first patterned pair in the wood pigeon yarn I also have several balls of yarn in waiting
    Christine xxx

  90. Jules says:

    Happy Birthday sockalong! It's what got me started. 6 pairs made so far. X

  91. Jane Ainscough says:

    Joined this wonderful group last November and have knitted 7 pairs of socks to date.

  92. DonnaA says:

    I have knitted 4 pairs of socks this year to replace other socks I have knitted. Like you I have a problem with toe wear !!

  93. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday! I've knitted 21 pairs, most of them given away as much appreciated presents. Thank you for rekindling my love of knitting

  94. tree hugger says:

    I'm on pair number two, and am loving the instructions and community of the Sockalong. Happy Birthday! and thank you, Winwick Mum, for your excellent pattern. I'd never made a sock before I found your site, but can see myself making quite a collection. You've really helped me find the right yarns for my socks too, thank you.

  95. Unknown says:

    I have knit 9 since November 17 for me and am waiting to wind up my next yarn. But need man help lol thank you Christine for your lovely pattern and groups/blog.toni Stephenson xx

  96. Imelda says:

    Happy 3rd birthday. I've made 15 pairs of the sockalong socks, and am now exploring cables and lace, all thanks to you. Thank you so much. Imelda maguire

  97. Imelda says:

    15 pairs, many Thanks!

  98. kitty0313 says:

    A birthday! – what a great opportunity to thank you for your *wonderful* technical resource and patterns… I haven't knitted since my schooldays (many decades ago) – and doubt that I ever finished a project in those days. But having received wonderful hand knitted socks from an elderly friend some years ago and enjoyed the comfort of them immensely, I developed a hankering to make my own. I have procrastinated for a very long time having been told that socks were beyond probably the scope of an inexperienced knitter. Fast forward… I found your site two weeks ago, now have a single sock finished and a second on the needles!! I can't tell you how thrilled I am, but without your clear and reassuring explanations, tutorials and pattern, this would never have happened! So I can't claim to have finished a pair yet, but will have done so before the end of next week (winter is almost upon us here in the Southern hemisphere) and I have already purchased yarn to begin a pair for my brother – a commitment! Appropriately, they are for his birthday…
    Many thanks for making this wonderful resource available. If addiction to knitting socks is a thing, I think you may have been the catalyst for my newly-developed 'affliction'!

  99. Anonymous says:

    4 pairs so far. 2 4ply given away and 2 6ply for me. Anne Lewis x

  100. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday, I've made three pairs since last year, can't thank you enough for my cozy toes! five pairs is my running total. Viv Ashby

  101. Janet Bunce says:

    I met you on Yarn Shop Day 2017 at Christine's in Bourneville and bought your book. I have now completed 13 pairs of socks with my 14th pair on my needles. Focusing on my socks helped me through a difficult time when I was made redundant last June. Thank you!

  102. Loraine McLean says:

    Happy birthday Sockalong. I have knitted 6 pairs since this time last year. I alternate knitting socks with other projects, and sometimes if the other project is a big one, I'll have a rest from it and knit socks. I still haven't tried toe up though!!

  103. Jen says:

    Happy Birthday! I’ve made 11 pairs in the past year. I don’t think I would ever have knitted socks if I hadn’t come across your sock along. Now three years on all my family have hand knitted socks. Many thanks.

  104. Lyndle says:

    Happy sockalong birthday! I have not knitted a proper pair of socks but am going to knit a pair this NZ winter as soon as my LYS gets some 2.5 circulars in. I have them on order and am ready to join in!

  105. Sue Field says:

    Happy Birthday, since joining this group I have knitted at least 25 pairs all the basic sock pattern, the odd one with a pattern. 1 pair bought this gentleman also wanted 3 more pairs and we bartered with the craft he does, I now have a wooden trencher, another pair was bartered for a spoon with a spiral handle. 2 pairs in exchange for yarn, 8 pairs for immediate family for Christmas,the rest are for hubby and myself. Until starting this group I had never been able to knit socks or do the kitchener stitch. Christine's instructions are so clear and the photos help as well. There is great support on the Facebook page. Thank you Christine for doing the pattern and making the Facebook page and everyone who helps other want to be sockers.

  106. Francescacheryl says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Sockalong Thank You Christine for bringing this Wonderful Community together This has had a huge impact on my Mental Health whilst battling with my Physical Health especially I am so thankful 🙏🏽
    I have knitted 14 pairs of the Basic Sock Pattern since May 17 with pair no 15 currently on my needles 🤗
    I would just like to say “My Names Fran and I’m a Yarn Addict” Lol 😂 Xx

  107. Kmos says:

    I have made 12 pairs of basic winwick and am on sock number 2 of my first pair of easy cable. I love sock knitting and I am converting my family and friends to the joy of hand knitted socks. It's such an amazing and supportive community you have created Christine. Thank you so much Karen Schafer

  108. Brenda says:

    Life changing, that is the only way I can describe sock along, I had never mastered socks until your fantastic pattern. I have made 12! Yes 12 pairs of basic socks, for myself and as gifts, thank you sooo much 💕

  109. happy hooker says:

    WOW! Three years! Well done Christine. I've got about 8 pairs in my sock drawer, one pair on my feet as I type and 2 pairs in Hubbie's drawer, yarn ready for the next pair, plus 2 pairs waiting for Yarndale sockline. You really are taking over the world in the best woolly kind of way. And what fantastic giveaways. Fingers and warm toes crossed…
    Kath x

  110. Sue Halliday says:

    Happy birthday!! Having met you "in the flesh" at a couple of yarn events I feel I really know you and of course being part of the FB groups keeps us all in touch. This year I have not made as many socks as usual because I bought myself a knitting machine and have been having lots of fun with that. But you can't take a knitting machine away on holiday so last September I made a pair of socks during our 40th wedding anniversary treat in a very posh appartment in the grounds of Harlech castle. So just the one pair this year.

  111. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations on another foot warming year! I know for definite that I have managed 3 pairs in between shawl knitting. I am going to try for more this coming year. Audrey McDevitt

  112. Haich says:

    Started in Nov 2017 and I have almost finished my 4th pair. Loving it so far!#Anaddictwasborn #socks #sockalong

  113. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!!
    I’ve just joined the FB group and amabput to cast on my first pair of socks. Socks intimidate me! The sizing and gauge have me nervous. I’ve learned a lot from being part of the FB group!

    I don’t know what my favorite is yet.
    Kristina Ward

  114. Holly says:

    1 pair this year following your pattern. I will never be able to thank you enough for doing what you do. It's been a rough year but the comfort of the group has always given me something to look forward to even when things around me were so sad. X

  115. Hayley says:

    I've made 3 pairs this year. Love all your patterns 🙂

  116. Dino says:

    Hi Christine, and Happy Birthday Sockalong! I've completed 6 pairs and am closing in on my 7th pair! I too, am totally addicted, ignoring all of my other WIPs, and have hoarded enough sock yarn to last a long time!

  117. Merilde says:

    Hi – Congratulations! I have knit two pairs this year, along with some other things! Happy Birthday!

  118. Jeanette says:

    Happy birthday, Sockalong! I have completed only three pairs of basic sockalong socks since I began in August 2017. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of both Winwick Mum Facebook groups, where I have met the loveliest people! Thank you, Christine, for all you do!

  119. Susan McDade says:

    6 pairs for me. I have commented on FB that I have done seven pairs but it has just occurred to me that one pair is the cable pattern so just six of the basic pattern since last May.
    Susan McDade

  120. Jill says:

    Happy birthday, sock-a-long! I've completed one pair and am working on pair number two. I had made a couple pairs prior to finding your tutorial. That's when I really figured it out. Thanks so much!

  121. Toni says:

    Happy Birthday.
    I have started my first sock, and just got to the heel flap. I think it will be a slow process as have sight problems, but would love to complete a parish for my daughter for Christmas.

  122. Unknown says:

    WooHoo Happy Birthday! I love knitting socks while waiting. It gets folks to ask me & I feel like a sock Ambassador.
    I have knit 3 of your patterns this year 🙂

  123. crescendogal says:

    I've been following along for over 2 yrs now and finally getting ready to cast on! I love your groups!!!

  124. Anonymous says:

    I am making my 30th pair at the moment. I love the sock along, thank you so much, not only am I knitting socks but I can now knit other things. I am looking forward to casting on your cable sock pattern shortly.

    Many thanks and here's to the next three years

    Jenny Higgs

  125. Unknown says:

    Happy birthday sockalong. I've made one pair and will shortly cast on another. In addition to your wonderful sock tutorials your blog and Instagram pics are just a delight. Thank you!

  126. Anonymous says:

    I have the wool , I have the needles but busy with a birthday hat at the moment, happy birthday sockalong and me

  127. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! Ive knitted 3 pairs and I have another 2 pairs on the go (I couldn't decide between the two colourways, both WYS, both gorgeous!). Your pattern is my go to sock pattern, thank you. Sarah x

  128. Ruth K. says:

    I love the basic Winwick Mom sock,and I have knitted 4 pair, and working on the 5th. Thanks, and happy birthday Sockalong.

  129. javaFlower says:

    Happy Birthday! I've just started the gauging process with some yarn gifted to me for MY birthday! -no socks YET

  130. Treva Epple says:

    Happy Birthday Sockaling! What a marvelous thing you've done here, Christine! I have made 6 pair since this time last year. Thanks to these lovely encouragers and enablers, I have yarn for about twenty more pair!

  131. Unknown says:

    I have completed 1/2 pair! I have the second sock on the needles and cannot wait to have it finished. Thank you for such an easy pattern to follow. Happy birthday from Allen, Texas, USA.

  132. Unknown says:

    Congratulations on this auspicious day! Such an accomplishment to have made so many eager sock knitters. I have made two pairs so far, with many others yet to come. Linda Hanford x

  133. Anonymous says:

    Nichola Nolan. Yay Happy Birthday! This years count is 15! I managed a whooping 3x last years count and the addiction is still strong. I've even started a log/diary to track my socks with little notes about the wool used for each pair.

  134. Dani says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong !! Learned how to make socks thanks to you I have made two pair of basic. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Dani Aguirre

  135. Nicola says:

    Congratulations,you have given me so much joy( and warm feet). I have made firm friends on the Facebook group and my extended family all love handknit socks. I have made 17 pairs in the past year but the pair I am most proud of weren't knitted by me but by my best friend. She is a sewist not so much a knitter but I gave her your book and some yarn nearly three years ago and she finally finished them last month,and now she's a convert.

  136. Unknown says:

    Christine ,your sock revolution is something that has really brought joy to my life ; new friends and toasty toes for me and the family! You're an inspiration ! Since May 2017 I've made 4 pairs and have another pair in the works . Long live the Sockalong !! Louise Peled xxx

  137. beinformed says:

    Hi – I am fairly new and really slow. But I have knit 2 pairs – 1 complete and one pair nearly finished – of the Sockalong socks and have yarn for several more. I am enjoying learning this new skill.

  138. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday and congratulations on all those followers. I have good intentions with WYS Christmas sock yarn, yarn for Yarndale socks and your magazine tutorial series in my stash but so far other Christmas and birthday knitting and crotchet patterns have got in the way! Geraldine from Weymouth

  139. Anonymous says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of Winwick Mums and wish you every success to continue – you have inspired me to work harder on using dpns – thank you, Christine x Lorna Baker

  140. RhianPennant says:

    Penblwydd Hapus – Happy Birthday from Wales. I’ve knitted on pair and the second pair has just been cast on. Love your blog and your tutorials xx

  141. Anonymous says:

    Working on pair number one and going very well! Carolyn Brelsford

  142. Sadie Garrod says:

    Hi Christine,

    Wow 3 years! I've followed you for almost all 3 years of this and love the community that has grown around our love of knitted socks.
    In the last year I've created 3 pairs using your basic pattern. Socks aside, in the last year I've been connected to fellow knitters and crafters from around the globe and for me that is the greatest feeling – more so than wearing hand knitted socks.

    Sadie Garrod

  143. The Knitting Cross Stitcher says:

    Happy Sockalong Birthday!
    It is 14 months since I knit my first pair of basic socks from my Super Socks book.Up to date I have eight pairs of pure basic socks.I have two pairs in addition that are not pure basic super socks but they still contain elements of the original and the pattern is my go to pattern.I love the simplicity of stocking stitch calming and theraputic…thank you Christine for helping me achieve a long held ambition.

  144. Orris Family says:

    I’m on pair 0. Someday I will master knitting! I’m a mom knits me socks, and I just love them! Carly Orris

  145. Sarah McPheron says:

    Happy birthday!!!

    I haven’t knit a single pair. 🙁

  146. Dinah says:

    Can't believe it's three years since you helped me make my first pair of socks. I've made six more this year. Happy birthday!

  147. Unknown says:

    Happy HAPPY BIRTHDAY. This is a huge accomplishment 3 yrs and still going strong. I have made 6 basic pairs since December 2017 when I started knitting socks. Thank you so much for this opportunity to win a prize pack. Good luck everyone and Christine enjoy the birthday celebrations (crystal graham on fb)

  148. lilysgrannie says:

    I haven't made any using your pattern but will try it out on my next pair. Thank you for your wonderful blog and your support of sock knitters worldwide.

  149. Aimee Goodings says:

    Happy Birthday WWM! I have knit 6 pairs of basic socks this year (7th currently wip) over 20 since i first joined (may 2016) Aimee Goodings on facebook x

  150. genevievep2 says:

    Happy Birthday! This I've knitted 3 pairs of socks and my first taat! Also tried mini circulars, my fav for one at a time.

  151. Marion says:

    I have made 14 pairs of socks from your lovely pattern since last May. It's a brilliant pattern and it's what I used when I first started and it's what I always go back to. Happy Birthday and thank you xx

  152. Lynn says:

    Happy Birthday! Only 1 pair of the basic socks as I've moved onto other patterns but thanks for getting me started. X

  153. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday, love seeing everyone's achievement s and all the beautiful sock yarns they've used,I've made 10 pairs since last may,keep up the good work Christine, love Elaine Morris in Shropshire xx

  154. Marlon says:

    I've been shy about posting because I spent my whole life being shamed because I suffer from a comparable form of dyslexia which affects my ability to do conceptual math and spacial relations. I am 62 years old and have been knitting since the age if three. However, where it is easy for some to follow patterns, it can be impossible for me. I had given up on knitting most garments and ANY socks.
    Then I found your site (just after Christmas of 2017). I cried when I finished knitting my 12th pair! All but the first pair is actually knitted in a texture/lace pattern.
    I already have yarn to knit another dozen as I am making Christmas socks for everyone on my list.
    I cannot thank you enough!
    Not only do I have the ability to knit socks, but I have a knitting confidence which I have never had before.
    With much gratitude, Marlon

  155. Gill says:

    Happy birthday. I'm onto my fifth pair. I loved the easy cable socks but have adapted the lacy sock pattern to put a lace strip where the cables should be

  156. Starnitesky says:

    Happy Birthday! I have cast on 2 pairs – they will be my first socks, I am trying out different yarns.

  157. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong. Since May 2017 my total is 14 pairs. Mostly presents for Birthdays/Christmas/Easter/get well gifts. All greatly received. Thank you Christine for making sock knitting so effortless xx Mandy Mogg

  158. Linda says:

    Happy Birthday! I’ve only made one pair but they are my favourite heel flap and gusset socks. I normally do FLK heels now but I learned lots by doing the sockalong.

  159. Anonymous says:

    Hi all – congratulations on your 3rd birthday….just cast on my 12th pair of socks, my daughter who is a police officer swears by HM socks & can't get enough of them to go under her boots…Thanks again Marie Morganx

  160. Judypam says:

    Happy Birthday! I’ve made three basic pairs (plus a couple of your cable pattern too,). It’s a great pattern that really fits me well. Thank you. 🎂

  161. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday. I discovered you last year via Lucy at Attic 24. I have made about 7 pairs (including 1 baby pair) and enjoy the sockalong and the Knit & Matter. Congratulations Christine.

  162. Sendafriend says:

    I have never knitted a pair of socks yet. I want to learn how. Maybe I can start a pair on my vacation at the end of the month.

  163. Unknown says:

    I have made 5 pairs, I cast on on January 1st having never knit in the round. I really didn't think I could knit socks and here I am!

    Thank you so much for being there, encouraging us on posts.

    Here's to many more socks!

    @kykaree on twitter and Instagram Kylie Hodges

  164. Unknown says:

    happy Birthday sockalongers!❤❤❤ I have made 2 pairs using your pattern Christine, and have another on the needles as my "emergency project" for unexpected waiting. being a part of the knit and natter group brings happiness to my day and it's a great feeling to belong to such an amazing group of people. Sock On! ❤Miranda Wert

  165. Tallie says:

    Happy Birthday �� ��!! I am just finishing my third pair. I am so proud of myself since all I could knit before was dishcloths! Thank you for your wonderful teachings. Much love ❤️ xx

  166. Lisa Holmes says:

    Happy Birthday and THANK YOU! My tootsies are cosy and my hands are always busy. I've knitted about 30 pairs and have enough wool for several more… ok, lots more hehe x

  167. Anonymous says:

    Happy 3rd birthday! I just found your lovely blog about a month ago. I am VERY new to knitting, but you have given me the courage to give socks a try! I am happy to say, I am on day 3 of my FIRST EVER pair of socks! Thank you for sharing your pattern and knowledge, may knitted socks take over the world!!!!
    Brandi M. Stone
    A Facebook follower 🙂

  168. Kirsten says:

    Very Happy 3rd birthday! I am now making my 8th pair of socks from your lovely pattern. I learnt to knit socks using your blog and a class at my local wool shop. The pattern is lovely to follow and perfect for a beginner like me.

  169. Jennydee says:

    8 pairs and lots more patterned too ,just love socks !

  170. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! Thanks for getting me started on sock knitting. I only started last November. I've finished 2 pairs and have started a 3rd. I really feel I'm a proper member now as I knitted on a train journey last week 🙂

  171. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday Sock a long! I'll be casting on my first sock over the Bank Holiday. Very excited by the prospect. Vanessa Pearce

  172. EdinburghGirl says:

    After cross-stitching and embroidering for 30 years, I tried my hand at crochet last year, and soon discovered that I preferred to knit! (I'm currently knitting a blanket using Lucy's moorland colours.) I love your blog, and I really want to try to learn to make socks using your pattern but, sorry to say, I have yet to pluck up courage. However, I hope that this might just be the year…wish me luck!!

  173. Susan says:

    I have just retired and taken up knitting again after 28 years, I was given a pair of hand knitted socks as a retirement present I love them so much I have just finished knitting a pair from your pattern, so thank you and Happy Birthday.

  174. Anonymous says:

    Hi Christine, I've got your wonderful book,some wool and the cicular needles,just haven't taken the plunge yet,other projects and the garden are calling at the moment,but one day soon it will happen! All the best Joan Myers

  175. Unknown says:

    12 pairs completed in the last 12 months.
    Enjoy your socky birthday!!
    Emma xx

  176. Barbara says:

    I absolutely love your blog and enjoy your detailed pattern tutorials. I have knit several socks, but from your patterns I've knit 3 pair. My favorite is the cable. I also have the lace ones on my needles now.

  177. Linda Henderson says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday, I'm on my first pair of socks. I'm on the toe of the second one so nearly finished.

  178. Anonymous says:

    I only learned to knit last year. I have completed 4 pairs so far and am about to cast on my 5th & this time with 6ply yarn. Thanks so much for the pattern – the you tube videos are fantastic. Sally Chartres

  179. vmarty says:

    Happy birthday! I love your tutorial, I keep coming back to it :). Since the last birthday I finished two socks: one for me with reinforced sole (I used your other tutorial for it) and a little one for my younger daughter. But I have some beautiful hand-dyed yarn waiting to wind up and becoming an other sock :).

  180. Gayle says:

    Happy sockiversary! After a Christmas present of 'make your own socks' (per the wish list I'd put together) I started my first pair at the end of December and have made two and a half pairs so far (the first pair had three socks, as that's what I managed to get out of 100g of yarn; a bit like a trilogy in four parts). Thank you so much for the tutorial – it has given me the confidence to think that knitting patterns aren't as scary as I'd always thought, hence I'm now half way through my first jumper.

  181. Elly P says:

    Happy Birthday!!!…am working on my first pair of socks, thanks to your pattern, but also knitting a couple of other things too, so not so fast, but hopefully will have them finished soon x x

  182. Kerris Merkitt says:

    Happy birthday and thank you for teaching me how to make socks and for the knit and natter page which has introduced me to so much more although my bank account isn’t always happy about that!! Only done three pairs in the last year as branched out to other projects too. Here’s to many more birthdays!!

  183. Margaret Proctor says:

    Happy Birthday and thank you , I just started knitting socks one and a half years ago and have made 3 taller pairs of your socks and 5 shorter pairs this year and have loved all the helpful hints and suggestions here. Thanks again

  184. Angel Jem says:

    I am still working on casting on my first pair….

  185. FromMyLovingHome says:

    Happy birthday! Love your socks! I have only done 1 pair in your pattern but have steered many newbies to your page. Keep up the great work!

  186. Unknown says:

    Happy birthday. I’m on my third pair thanks to you wonderful pattern and a short circular needle. Thank you

  187. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday Christine. I love ho easy you pattern is to follow. I have now made 4 pairs of socks.

  188. Unknown says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, Christine from Canada. So many socks! Love your tutorials and the Facebook groups. A couple of pairs of your basic socks this year but I always use your heel flap and gusset instructions whatever sock pattern I am making. Looking forward to contributing to the Yarndale Sock Line again this year. Candy Haslam

  189. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday! Just starting my first pair.
    Karen Atlas

  190. Linda says:

    Congratulations I’ve made 7 pairs using your pattern and sockalong instructions

  191. Sara says:

    Happy Birthday:) Working on my first one:) Thank you for this chance:)

  192. Ruan Peat says:

    only two pair this year but both are very pretty and easy with your book.

  193. Josephine says:

    Hello Christine and Happy Birthday Sockalong!

    I have knit one sock 8 times. I am a very experienced frogger! But I'm determined to get it right. I get frustrated, work on another project for awhile (I have plenty of those, too!), then come back to that blue striped sock that's always sitting in my needlework bag.

    Perhaps by next year I'll be able to claim victory! I have some lovely yarn waiting for me to master the technique. And that WYS yarn looks wonderful!


  194. Tracey K says:

    Happy Birthday, I have struggled with a pattern from a book on the 3 pairs I have knit this past year so much so I stopped, but I am now using your sockalong and have nearly finished my first sock addiction is back thank you x

  195. Tracey says:

    Just the 1 pair so far and they turned out different sizes! So definitely more to be made! Thanks for such a wonderful tutorial!

  196. Chris Knowler says:

    Wasn't sure I'd be able to knit socks but after my first pair I have the sock bug. I'm on my third pair with contrast rib, heel and toes. Love seeing everyones socks and the lovely yarns available. My husband keeps asking when he's going to get a pair!

  197. principeta says:

    Congratulations!!!!!!!Happy Birthday!!!!!Amazing giveaway!!I am still on my first socks.

  198. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday Christine and all sockettes. 5 pairs done since last year thanks to you. Mary Murphy, Tipperary.

  199. Unknown says:

    Yayyy happy birthday �� I started my sock journey this time last year when I got your book for my birthday. I had to wait until I had handed in my last ever essay for my degree as I knew I wouldn’t b able to stop knitting haha I have done 17 pairs of your socks!!! Wow I couldn’t believe it when I just counted up!! Most hv been presents but I still hv a few for myself. I hv some cast on now and can’t see my stopping. Thank you for the best ever tutorial xxxx Zoe Leask

  200. Alison says:

    Happy Birthday, I think I have completed 6 pairs in the year and it’s still my favourite pattern.

  201. Anonymous says:

    I've only made 3 pairs but have yarn ready for more. Happy birthday!

  202. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! Super exciting! I learned how to knit socks just last year thank you to your lovely pattern and blog and a dear friend for pointing me towards you! So far I have made 1 pair!

  203. jojo1205 says:

    I've bought needles. I've bought a gorgeous ball of WYS yarn. I've looked at the pattern and….. that's as far as I've got! Currently too scared to try but I will! Jo Roach

  204. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for teaching me to knit socks, I am on pair number 10 since learning which seems crazy considering I had no idea how before joining the sockalong group.
    I've made 3 pairs this year (also said this in the group so you don't add an extra 3)

  205. Jen Heald says:

    Happy 3rd birthday and many thanks for all the fun.

  206. Jacquisj says:

    Hi Christine
    I love your basic sock pattern and in the last three years have made 9pairs of 4ply and last Christmas made 6 pairs of dk ski socks for us all going skiing at New Year. I am now becoming more adventurous and knitting my first pair of lace patterned socks. I take my sock knitting everywhere from hospital appts to coffee dates with friends to time between parent appts as a teacher when I can get in a couple of rows. Thank you for teaching me how to successfully knit socks

  207. Noelle Scoullar says:

    Happy Sockaversary Christine! I have cast on my first pair! I'm nervous, but I've been following the group the whole three years and LOVE seeing all the gorgeous socks!!!

  208. Linda says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong! Thank you Christine! I have always wanted to knit socks and now I am ready to start my second pair.

  209. Unknown says:

    I have just completed my first pair of socks – the neat ripple socks. Using your fabulous pattern and helpful tutorials, I have been able to produce something I can actually wear!!! I used one of the lovely yarns from WYS and I am so proud of myself (and the socks) I keep looking at them hanging on their sweet sock holders!! Thank you so much for your blog which I have recently discovered along with all the helpful advice about knitting socks. I feel I have become slightly addicted and have already got yarn waiting. Now it's just a case of which pattern to try next!!

  210. Fanny Stafford says:

    I think it is three pairs since May 2017.I love the pattern it is so easy to follow once you have knitted your first pair!

  211. Anonymous says:

    So far, I've knit one sock in my life – not even a pair. And that wasn't using the Sockalong pattern. I really didn't like my yarn choice so am anxious to start another pair with different yarn and the Sockalong pattern.

    Dona Beckert

  212. Anonymous says:

    I've commented in the FB group as well, but that Rum Paradise yarn looks lovely so I thought I'd repost here! I've knit 3 pairs of Sockalong socks (along with some other patterns) and the two friends I've introduced to Winwick Mum have knit 3 pairs between them – so it's a total of 6 pairs from us in New Zealand! Sarah R

  213. Anonymous says:

    I have completed 4 pairs of socks and am working on a BIG pair for hubby.
    Happy Birthday and keep on knitting with lots of sole!!!

  214. momto1 says:

    I'm gearing up for my first, but i would read your blog even if I never intended to knit a single stitch in my life. You're fun!
    Carole S.

  215. Kerrie says:

    I'm still stuck on the first heel! You've now inspired me to get them finished as its getting cold here now and i now have a great collection of sock yarn ready for many more pairs!

  216. Sue says:

    Happy Third birthday and congratulations. I set myself a task to relearn knitting (I’m a crocheter) and to learn how to knit socks after someone gave me some sock blockers!! I’m happy to say I’m nearly finished my first sock using your easy to follow tutorial. Thank you for writing it in such an easy to follow manner. I’ve ordered even more yarn for my ‘collection’ but I’m hoping to make lots of socks. Thanks for such a great facebook group too. Xx

  217. Hazel says:

    I’ve made two socks but they’re not a pair- different yarn!! Does that count as a pair?? I got distracted by other crafts but will finish them both off soon. I love your easy to follow pattern. Happy birthday!

  218. Lisa McCall says:

    Hi Christine! I've knit 3 pairs of Sockalongs this year! (and one pair of the cable pattern). I love the Sockalong pattern as does everyone who gets a pair! 🙂

  219. Sheena says:

    I started knitting last year after seeing your sockalong, 3 pairs knitted from your pattern. Your videos have been such a great help. Thank you and happy birthday .

  220. HPaynter says:

    Congratulations on the fabulous groups and happy 3rd birthday ��
    I’ve made 4 pairs of basic socks since last May.

  221. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday dear Sockalong ��
    I've knitted 4 pairs to the original pattern this year and still love it. Learning to knit socks with this pattern has given me the confidence to knit some fairly complex socks. ���� Vanessa Ashdown

  222. Lynda says:

    I've completed 10 pairs of Sockalong socks since starting knitting socks just over a year ago and I would never have started if it hadn't been for your blog, thank youso much. Lynda

  223. Unknown says:

    I made everyone socks for Christmas last year so the end of the year was very busy! 18 pairs!
    I currently have 5 pairs on the go to alleviate the problem with second sock syndrome!!!

  224. Sandra Grusd says:

    Happy third birthday! Just about to take the plunge and cast on my first sock.

  225. Two Wednesdays says:

    Well I've knitted several pairs of socks to different patterns, but haven't yet found my go to basic sock pattern – so I'm about to cast on my first pair of Winsock mum's!

  226. Unknown says:

    I started my first pair with your guidance in Dec 2017 and since then I've made 4 pairs so a big thankyou to you for teaching me!

  227. Fiona Townsend says:

    I am currently knitting my third pair of socks…..I am have to admit to be chuffed to pieces to have two pairs finished that I am able to wear. I love hand knitted socks and I wouldn't be here now with a pair on my feet as I write this without your fabulous book and step by step guide…Thank you!!
    I have tried knitting socks several times and each time I have given up as I just could not grasp it but then I stumbled across your book….someone mentioned it on Instagram and I thought okay last shot lets see If I can knit a pair of socks…well I am obsessed with sock knitting…my only problem is I cannot knit them fast enough for my liking but there is something so wonderful about the whole sock knitting process… and yes I knit in the a passenger…it is so calming and good for my soul and keeps my feet warm and toasty…So thank you again for teaching me to knit socks 🙂 Fiona

  228. Anonymous says:

    Still can't believe I can knit socks – all thanks to the Sockalong and such clear instructions. Two pairs knitted so far. Happy birthday, Sockalong!
    Sue Nelson

  229. PattiK says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday! After seeing all the great socks on FB, I've CO my first pair. PattiK

  230. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday! I so enjoy being part of this sock group! I am happy sock knitter, but only have a pair as proof this past year. Lynn B.

  231. Esztimese says:

    Happy birthday! I have 4 finished pairs and one one the needles. Thank you for the tutorial and the encouragement, hundred thanks to create such a lovely and supporting community <3

  232. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday and Thank You Christine! I'm finishing my third pair of sockalong socks thanks to your clear patterns and already planning for more 🙂 Paula Barbosa

  233. Doodlebug Gail says:

    Congratulations on your sock birthday – I came across your wonderful blog while searching (long and hard I might add) for a sock pattern using 6-ply sock yarn. So happy to have found your blog and I have now knit two pairs using your "basic 6ply boot socks pattern" – love how this slightly thicker wool knits up and am looking forward to using your pattern again soon.

  234. carden says:

    Happy 3rd birthday����
    I just started knitting in November so I am almost finished my first sock in the sock-along pattern. I purchased some 9 in circus to do this pattern and I love the process!

  235. Anonymous says:

    1 pair from last May. 5 pairs since I started. Lovely pattern ��
    Hadas Barzilay

  236. Julia Hansche says:

    Happy Birthday Christine. I have knitted three of your Patterns during the year and have enjoyed it very much. I especially like the lace socks. Julia

  237. Unknown says:

    Beverley Rowe …I am knitting my first ever sock I am very excited. 😊 Thankyou for your Sockalong and Happy 3rd Birthday.

  238. Pippas quilts says:

    Happy birthday 🎂 Just about to cast on my first pair Pippa Xx

  239. Unknown says:

    Hi there. I am still at the very early stages of sock 1 but love reading the comments, seeing the progress of others and, like you, believe in the power of crafting to improve people's lives. I would love to win a prize, the stitch makers are beautiful!

  240. joolz says:

    17pairs so far, hoarded yarn for another 3 pairs.I am working my way through my family and friends feet to ensure they warm and cosy.Julia.

  241. Lynn says:

    Each year I tell myself I shall knit your socks and each year I chicken out. I have never knitted on round needles but I have now bought a pair to practise.
    Lynn Clere

  242. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday to us Taureans! I've just completed my 1st pair, a few hiccups on the way but it hasn't deterred me from starting pair number 2!Using WYS Peacock ��..thanks for a wonderful group xx Helen Welch

  243. Unknown says:

    Congratulations Christine who would have thought knitting socks would be so the in thing!? I’m a little slow on this front and only on my first pair this year but hope to get down to it this summer as the project is so transportable.

  244. Chloe says:

    I sadly am still trying to fathom cable needles, but I will be making a pair of sockalong socks as soon as I learn!

  245. margaret says:

    I haven't knitted any sockalong socks yet but it's always been something I've been meaning to do. Your patterns and tutorials look so inviting. It's on my to do list this year!

  246. Unknown says:

    Happy birthday. Having always been daunted by knitting socks probably because of the way I knit, I decided to take up the challenge, especially seeing such lovely creations from others! So I have finished the rib and am now on the leg of my first sock and getting to grips with so many needles (4) xcx

  247. Mary says:

    Happy, happy day! I am on zero as I've been busy moving. I do have my book – some place – and now will look forward to that first pair of socks.

  248. Heidijo says:

    Hi and thank you , I have knitted 7 pairs this year of basic socks,have tried a few different heels but always come back to yours they fit so well and I can now knit from memory if 60st!
    The friendship this group is amazing and wonderful.

  249. linda says:

    Happy Third Birthday I can't believe it's been that long where does the time go! I'm afraid that I haven't knit a single pair of socks in 2017 it was a very busy time for me selling two homes and moving so I haven't done as much crafting as I usually do. I do know once I get started again I won't be able to stop! Great giveaway Christine. 🙂 xx

  250. Unknown says:

    8th pair is on the needles! Started as a total noob in January. 🙂

  251. Pat Collingwood says:

    My first pair will be my next project

  252. Kirsteen says:

    Happy birthday, and thank you for the tutorial. Having wanted to try knitted socks for years, I finally plucked up the courage at the start of this year and it was nowhere nearas scary as I thought it was, thanks to your tutorials. I am a brand new knitter and have made one and a half socks, although I already have two more colourways of WYS yarn waiting for the next pairs! I probably would have done more by now but have been working on a big crochet blanket that I need to finish off first!

  253. Anonymous says:

    Just two and a quarter pairs for me! First granddaughter due September and getting priority over socks I'm afraid �� !!

  254. Anonymous says:

    Vicki Crawford happy birthday, I just joined the group and have not gotten the chance to make a pair of socks as of this date, tting get get all the ingredients first.

  255. Snuva says:

    Happy birthday! I have knitted 6 pairs since finding you late last year! Ive cast on my 7th and 8th as well. 😜

  256. Kathleen says:

    11 total and I'm nearly finished with pair 12!

  257. Melinda Gallagher says:

    Happy Birthday! I'm going to be casting on my first pair today! Excited beyond measure!

  258. Unknown says:

    Have just joined the group to learn to knit socks. Happy birthday and thank you for the give away

  259. purpleivy says:

    Not done any….yet! I only just found the blog and found out about the sockalong thing. My next pair! I just bought the book too!

  260. BSweet says:

    Have yet to attempt my first sock. Have been busy with baby blankets but with warmer weather coming hope to start a pair soon. Love your emails and site. Your tutorials are the best ever! Barb Sweet

  261. Leigh says:

    Happy Birthday to the sockalong, I have made only 1 basic pair (plus lots of others) since May 2017.

  262. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday Sockalong!! I was so proud to learn that this all began on my 50th birthday, and I never new! I only discovered sock knitting and the Winwick Mum phenomenon in Oct 2016 but along with many other pairs from your patterns, I have achieved 32 pairs of the basic 4 ply pattern. Here's to many more pairs, and many more deserving years of success to you Christine xx

  263. Nieves urbina says:

    I am preparing to cast on my socks, I habe the yarn, and needles but lack the motivation.

    Nieves Urbina

  264. Zoe says:

    I've knitting 1.5 pairs! I'm still getting the hang of socks, but it is so satisfying to finish one, and I definitely couldn't do it without your amazing tutorial.

  265. Helen Smyth says:

    Happy birthday! 6 pairs of socks since last May! Still the best pattern around!

  266. kirayna says:

    Almost finished my first pair

  267. June says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, I have made 50 pairs of socks & enjoyed every minute of knitting them , thank you Christine, I am seriously addicted to knitting socks , don't know what I did before learning how to knit them x June

  268. Anonymous says:

    love the basic pattern. Sine last May have done 11 pairs

  269. Margaret Jeffrey says:

    Still plucking up the courage to knit my first pair! I have the prettiest yarn ready and waiting, think Magic Loop would the best plan! I'm sure once I have completed my first pair there'll be no stopping me! Margaret Jeffrey

  270. Lynn White says:

    On the heel flap of my first pair. Love your videos. Great instructions.

  271. Jay and Mickie Hann says:

    Casting on my first pair 🙂

  272. simplelife says:

    I've been knitting socks for a few years now, but until 5 mins ago I'd never heard of your sockalong, so zero is my answer. I'm much too shy to knit in public, perhaps you will inspire me.
    Cheers Kate

  273. Chrissie says:

    Happy birthday, working on my very first pair of socks, thank you for the pattern xcx

  274. Unknown says:

    I've made 2 and a half pairs with your pattern since this time last year! 🙂

  275. jo dempster says:

    winwick mum you are a star.! I am 67 years old and learnt to knit at primary school, however i have never been able to master socks, that is until I was directed to your site by attic 24 lucy. thanks to your fantastic instructions i have knitted 4 pairs so far and i can't begin to tell you how happy it's made me.i'm not saying the first pair was perfect but i don't care they're mine and i made them. thanks also for the stitch calculator, i calculated my husbands pair would need 172 stitches, good job i used your stitch guide which brought it down to 68! I'm not on facebook so can't join in and i don't know how to post pictures but i am so pleased with myself for learning socks after all this time.thank you

  276. Heather says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I've completed 2 pairs in the last year. Thanks for the pattern, tutorial and general yarny inspiration. It's much appreciated.

  277. Morag says:

    Hello Christine! Thank you so much for the inspiration and encouragement of Sockalong and the marvellous community it has knitted around the world. What a great feeling to have helped so many a beginner become a successful sock knitter.

    I've retired,and will be starting my first pair of Sockalong socks after I've moved house next week. I've been reading and enjoying your blog and promising myself the hands on Sockalong experience, and will have more time to get into it. A treat to look forward to!

  278. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday xxx I have made a further 6 pairs. Its my go to pattern. Its still a high demand thing in this house.

    Luv Jane

  279. Unknown says:

    Hi. Happy Birthday.
    I have completed two pairs but also have two odd socks as well!!
    Sandra Jeffrey

  280. Alcea Rosea 31 says:

    Happy Birthday and thank you for a chance to master sock knitting, since last birthday I have knitted two and a half pairs plus one and three quarters first cable socks.

  281. My Creative Life says:

    Happy birthday Sockalong. I'm just knitting my second pair from your book – which I bought last year. I've added your blog with all it's links to a recently set up local knit & natter group. We're all going to have a go at knitting socks in 2 weeks. Your youtube videos were a great help too, thanks. Cathy x

  282. Janie Ross says:

    35 pairs all Winwick Mum pattern. Started in May last year & my goal was to achieve 50 pairs to match my 'big' birthday which happens to be 3rd May, Sockalong Day! Obviously overestimated the number of pairs I could complete in the timescale, but I am definitely addicted to sock knitting now. It has proved very therapeutic to my wellbeing too. Thank You Christine & all in the Sockalong & Knit and Matter groups." Keeeeeep Knitttttting…."

  283. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday! currently knitting pairs 4.5 and 6


  284. Anonymous says:

    One pair of completed socks and another pair just about completed! I have thoroughly enjoyed knitting socks from your pattern. I attempted socks a few years ago on dpns but got myself in to such a mess I only knitted about 3 rows and gave up!!! So thank you for your pattern which is so easy to follow and the fb page has been super helpful too 🙂 Thank you and warm wishes from Angela Williams, Auckland, NZ

  285. Anita in San Diego says:

    I am just starting to learn to knit socks and your sock-a-long pattern has been so helpful for this rookie. I have finished one pair!

  286. Wendy says:

    I discovered the sockalong just before Christmas, and it's been a lifesaver giving me something to keep mind and hands busy while my daughter has been seriously ill in hospital. I'm not a natural knitter, but am very proud on the 6 1/2 pairs I've knitted so far, and so grateful to the sockalong community who've helped me along the way

  287. @jeanthecreativepixie says:

    Happy sockiversary! I have knit 1 pair of your socks since your last birthday and I have progressed on to textured socks but your sockalong pattern is my go to whenever I'm not sure of how to do something. Thanks for for being an inspiration to so many. Jean x

  288. pam07000 says:

    Happy Birthday! I have successfully completed 2 pairs – frogged a third pair (yes, both socks) and am about to restart pair no 3 after a break of several months.

  289. Lee-Ann says:

    Happy birthday from Australia 🇦🇺
    1st sock cast on yesterday – let’s see if I have a matching pair or 20 more by this time next year .
    Thank you for a great group and amazing pattern

  290. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday. ..I've made 6 pairs mainly on the train to and from work..It's made the 2 hour round trip a joy xx
    Andrea Wilkinson

  291. Niki Murray says:

    What lovely prizes….I am on my 3rd pair x

  292. Granny Meerkat says:

    Hi there. I was given your name by a wool shop in Birchington. I love hand knitted socks however they cost £40 in Shetland. I used your basic pattern & knitted my first pair of happy socks! I couldn’t enter them into a competition however they are wearable and my next pair will be an improved version I’m sure. Thank you so much for your instructions & pattern

  293. judy martin says:

    im a beginner knitter..a crocheter come over to the dark side…lol..i am trying very hard to make my first pair of these socks..i have ripped out and restarted so many times its not funny..but im persistent and i will do this. i havent tried the addi needles yet..but i have tried chaigo and love them. i would love to win this as im disabled and on a fixed income so my yarn/ needle budget is tiny.thank you for the chance

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