A red colourwork sock featuring black and white sheep, modelled on a foot, is resting over a black and white canvas boot

Yarny things

When I sat down to write my blog post for this week, I realised I had so many things to tell you that they couldn’t all possibly go in one post (socks, yarn, yarn...

A view across Coniston water to the hills beyond. There is an abundance of green in the fields and the trees

Busy resting

It seems something of a paradox that you can be very busy but resting at the same time.  However, that’s the weekend that we’ve had for the last three years at big daughter’s Fearless...

A woodland path surrounded on both sides by wild garlic. The garlic is flowering and there are white flowers amongst the green

Saturday mornings

There’s something about a Saturday morning.  Not having to reach to turn the alarm off at 6.30am is my favourite part, and although we have to be up and out reasonably early to get...

An orange Super Socks beginner sock knitting book, a purple More Super Socks notebook, a ball of yarn in shades of blue, and white, a row counter, a packet of wool needles and three stitch markers on a white background

Winwick Mum Sockalong 9th birthday giveaway results

Hello, hello, I hope you’ve had a lovely week!  It’s Friday and as promised, here are the results of the Winwick Mum Sockalong 9th birthday giveaway – goodness, what a lot of you entered...

A pair of hand knitted blue striped socks modelled on feet which are standing on a stone flag in a flower border. The text across the picture reads Winwick Mum Sockalong 9th birthday

Winwick Mum Sockalong 9th birthday

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Sockalong, Happy birthday to you! Woohoo!  It’s the Winwick Mum Sockalong’s 9th birthday – and how wonderful is that?!  Nine years of helping beginners...