
A close up of chamomile flower. The flower is white with a yellow centre.

I was going to write a different post this weekend but yesterday, I got a phone call from a neighbour to say that she had found Astrid, one of our cats, on the road and it looked like she’d be hit by a car.

Astrid’s alive, thank goodness.  She’s been checked over at the vets and has no obvious injuries apart from ones that the vet would expect from a road accident, but she spent the night in the animal hospital so that they can keep an eye on her and investigate any possible internal injuries today.  We’re keeping our fingers crossed that she’s had a lucky escape.

Yes, I know that some of you will say, “Well, that’s what you get for letting a cat go out” and yes, you are right.  Every day, I worry that one of our cats won’t come back but they are outdoor cats.  They love to be Out, and that’s the end of it.  To try to make them be indoor cats would be unkind as their DNA tells them that they should be out in the fresh air – and given how they were when they weren’t old enough to go out at all, I don’t think our house could stand it!  Waiting for them to come home is the trade off for the joy and love that they bring to our lives by being here, and I learnt that a long time ago.

I’m sorry this isn’t my usual kind of post but I hope you’ll understand that my head is elsewhere today as we wait for the phone call updates from the vet.  My sock knitting is close at hand and I’ll show you what I’m working on another day.

Wishing you and yours a safe weekend xx


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37 Responses

  1. Barbara says:

    Thinking of you. Hopefully all will be well. They are so much part of our lives I know. B x

  2. Cindy says:

    You are so right, why should they be little prisoners? Hope she gets well soon and will be more circumspect with her remaining 8 lives 😍

  3. Gillian Edwards says:

    Thinking of you and sending lots of love. When we had a cat he went out, couldn’t keep him in. Pray your little will be ok xxx

    • jacqueline birnie says:

      Very sorry to hear that.no wonder your mind is otherwise occupied. Hope little Astrid is OK and is back home soon.
      I’ve had indoor and outdoor cats. Current cat likes to be out in the garden with me but is very happy to run back in most days. Others have gone exploring but it’s always a risk and some just hate being kept in.
      Fingers crossed for your cat x

  4. Bärbel says:

    So sorry to hear about Astrid. Hope all will be well and she has learned to stay away from the road.

  5. Angela Joy says:

    How sad, I hope you have Astrid home safe very soon xx

  6. Katie says:

    Oh, poor Astrid, I’m sending good thoughts.

    I recently moved from a second floor flat to a ground floor place with a garden and as part of that let my 2 year old and 9 month old cats outside for the first time. Yes, it’s horribly nerve wracking and I’m so relieved when they come in for the night each evening. But the 2 year old especially is so much happier now he can go outside, he’s much more chilled out and relaxed and even more confident. He had a lot of play and enrichment and multiple cat trees inside, but nothing beats the outside world and I’ve accepted that it’s better for his quality of life to have the outdoors time. Even if it’s not quite so good for my anxiety!

  7. Li says:

    I completely agree with you, I couldn’t keep any of our moggies confined to the house. Hopefully that’s just one of her 9 lives and she’ll be home soon.
    Our dimmest cat jumped off a wall into the side of a passing car, frightened the poor lady driver and cost us ££££ in vet’s fees only to find he’d just bitten his tongue 🙄. He used all his lives up before he was 6 yet still lived to an old age.I swear he shortened my life by years, he was so accident prone for the most ridiculous situations.
    I hope Astrid is fine xx

  8. Hazel says:

    I totally agree with you. Cats love to be able to go out and be “wild” animals. Praying that your baby has got away with it and just used up one of her 9 lives.

  9. Kath says:

    I do hope little Astrid will be OK and will be a little more wary of the road from now on. To my mind, cats need to be able to go outside and explore. The worry of them coming to harm is far outweighed by knowing they’re experiencing joy and freedom. xx

  10. Corinne says:

    Aahhh, poor little mite! Hope Astrid is better soon and having adventures again, just safer ones.

  11. Mary says:

    You are right Christine, cats need to be out if at all possible. Many many years ago we had 2 cats, one sadly got killed on the road and I am positive the other cat saw this…he never ever strayed close to the road again, he lived on for another 18 years!! I am convinced he had some memory and knowledge that the road was unsafe. We are much older now so we don’t have a cat in case we outlive it haha, but I so miss having a cat with us, we have been married for almost 50 years and had a cat from day 1. Love them. Really hoping all goes ok with yours, mad how we become so attached to them!xx. Socks can wait!

    • winwickmum says:

      We discovered that we’re not very good at living without cats which is why we ended up with these kitcats when our old cats died. They’re all so different – this pair have been quite a handful since they arrived and I’m hoping they’ve had a chat to each other about road dangers now! xx

  12. Jane Winter says:

    I agree that cats should be allowed out during the day. However, I think that they should be kept in at night as many accidents happen at dawn and dusk. I really hope that your cat makes a full recover.

    • winwickmum says:

      I agree – our cats are always in at night but this happened at 3.30pm. I’m just glad it wasn’t an hour later as I really don’t think I’d have been writing the same post xx

  13. Simon says:

    I hope Astrid is home safe and warm, snuggled on your lap very soon. We get so many careless drivers round here it’s a wonder we don’t hear more about animals being hit by cars. Makes me a glad I don’t have a pet, even if I do quite fancy it at times.💐🤞🍀

    • winwickmum says:

      I think that cats can be quite savvy around the roads – I know of one that even uses a pedestrian crossing – but sometimes they’re unlucky. Astrid was unlucky but also VERY lucky at the same time so I hope this teaches her to be more savvy! xx

  14. Charlotte says:

    Hope all goes well with your cat. We had an inside/. Outside cat for several years. They need the freedom. Wishing you the best outcome.

  15. Geeha says:

    hopefully Astrid is now back at home, most cats are intelligent enough to associate the road with pain and shock so hopefully she’s be more cautious in future. As with children you’ve got to let them spread their wings to live fulfilled lives

  16. Charlotte says:

    I hope all is well with Astrid. In the past we have had indoor/outdoor cats and it is a worry but they need to be outside. Wishing you the best

  17. Debbi Robertson says:

    My heart goes out to you and your family with love and green-healing energy for your beloved Astrid. Have you hear of a catio? It’s a cat-patio, an enclosed outdoor space that keeps kitty and wildlife safe, and can be as simple or as ornate as one’s imagination (and budget!) will allow. Most of them are accessed from right inside the house. They are quite prevalent here in Portland, Oregon (in the US) and are a great way to (safely) give them exercise, fresh air, and a freedom they don’t have as indoor cats. If you want to check it out, a great organisation here is Cats Safe at Home (see catssafeathome.org). I could live in some of these catios!
    My best to you all.

  18. Helen says:

    Oh I’m so sorry – my friends cat was also hit recently luckily she was okay too. Still, cats are cats and like to live their best life. We just hope it’s a long one too.

  19. Jeanette says:

    I hope Astrid has made a full recovery 😻
    Our 8yo cat Sophie hates being locked inside, even though she is usually inside or sleeping out on the verandah or in the front garden!
    It is different if she choose to stay inside and isn’t a prisoner 😻

  20. CJ says:

    So sorry to hear that, I hope she is completely better very soon. My little dog Bertie got hit by a car once when he ran away from me, it was utterly horrendous. He wasn’t badly hurt thank goodness, but it was so frightening. My very best wishes for Astrid. CJ xx

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