And she’s back!

Helloooo!  It’s lovely to be back on the blog again – I’ve missed you!

It’s been a long few weeks whilst I got my blog posts transferred over from Blogger but here I am on my shiny new WordPress blog platform at last.  It wasn’t all plain sailing and there was a good deal of frustration and swearing going on, I must confess – and some people would say that’s my own fault for trying to do this during a Mercury Retrograde when everything to do with technology is likely to go wrong – but thanks to Phil who developed the code that transferred the posts and kindly went out of his way and very definitely above and beyond the support I was expecting to help me get everything set up and running smoothly, I am here now and I couldn’t be happier!

Some of the formatting is still a bit – let’s say eccentric – on some of the older posts as I’ve not been able to get through all of them before going live again (there are 674, you know!) so if you are on a post and do spot anything that’s not right, please do let me know!  I’ve got a new contact form down at the bottom of the left hand sidebar so that should make life easier rather than me trying to fudge an email address to make it look inconspicuous!

So how have you been?  I hope that you have been keeping safe and well, that you’ve enjoyed some sunshine if you’re in the northern hemisphere and you haven’t been too cold or wet if you’re in the southern part of the world.  We’ve had more dry days than rainy ones – not always sunny and it was pretty blooming cold for a day or two last week.  It’s incredible to think that the Summer Solstice has passed by and the days are going to get shorter again now, isn’t it?  I don’t really want to think about that at the moment, time seems to have been going too quickly as it is!

I’ve got plenty to show you when I write next – I just wanted to say “hello” today and let you know that I’m still here.  Oh, I wanted to show you my latest pair of socks too.  I was still knitting them when I last wrote and now they’re on my feet!

Yes, they really are as orange as the pictures, and they’re fab!  The yarn is Candyfloss by Under An English Sky and I’ve used heel stitch underneath the heel turn and at the toes to try to make them last a little longer as I seem to have a developed a habit of wearing my socks out in both places now!

There’s a new pair of socks on my needles now.  I wasn’t going to buy any more yarn but I happened to be up at Black Sheep Wools and spotted this new Schjeepes Downtown which is a stripy yarn and tones beautifully with Schjeepes Metropolis.  They are both 4ply, extra fine merino and nylon yarns so they feel very soft and almost slippy to knit with – not like my usual favourite WYS at all!  I often get asked about the softest yarns to create socks from so these will be an interesting experiment both in knitting them and wearing them.

A half-knitted blue, purple and grey stripy sock with a pink heel rests on a stone flag next to a ball of the yarn. Behind is an orange mug of tea.

This is the first sock so there’s a way to go yet before they’re on my feet, but I’ll keep you posted!

Anyway, that’s me for today.  I managed to squeeze in last month’s Monthly Musing just before June disappeared and now it’s July … and it won’t be long before the school holidays!  Small daughter has had mock exams this past fortnight so she’s counting the days 🙂

See you soon!


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23 Responses

  1. Geeha says:

    Glad to see you back. Have just seen Monthly Musing, very appropriate as we are all having to deal with venturing out again

  2. Gill Edwards says:

    Wonderful to see you back. Missed you x

  3. Laura Miller says:

    Lovely to see you made it through to the other side! Fab website, well done! xx

  4. Irune says:

    Lovely to have you back! 🙂

  5. Ruth Howard says:

    Thanks very much – so pleased to be able to read your musings and knitting news and tips – thanks again x

  6. Caroline King says:

    I have really missed you , I’m still on my first pair of socks but the second Sock is coming along quicker than the first ,and I need to work on my Kitchener stitch ,but have just downloaded your printable copy which might help greatly

  7. Corinne says:

    Lovely to see you back! When will you be back on tv?

  8. Kimberley says:

    Woo Hoo! You are back in cyberspace. I have missed your musings, but am looking forward to exploring the updates on your new platform.
    I also adore your candy floss socks. That orange and pink combination are electric. I may have to break my pledge of not buying yarn until I finish something.

  9. Kath says:

    Welcome back. You’ve been missed! Love the new socks, and the new photo – your hair is lovely. xx

  10. Anita Pearson says:

    Great to hear from you again Christine. Missed your musings!

  11. Miriam says:

    Great to see you back and glad you got there. I am leaving Blogger too after online trolling and no way to block folks. Luckily I don’t have many posts to transpose!! I am going to try the reinforced ball and heel on my socks for the same reason. Take care x

  12. Lovely to have you back look forward to seeing you in your new site and hope nothing goes to wrong for you. Thank you 😊

  13. Angela says:

    Glad you’re back and all sorted. I love those orange socks!

  14. Susan Ketley says:

    So glad to hear from you and to know that everything is ok. Looking forward to your next musings and knitting projects 😊

  15. Susan says:

    So nice to see you back again! Love the new site and your photo is great!! The new socks are gorgeous.

  16. Betsy Grizzard says:

    I loved reading “I wasn’t going to buy anymore yarn but… Yes, that is all of us! Glad to see you again

  17. Bernadette Chandler says:

    Good to have you back. Thank you for sharing and giving inspiration and encouragement.

  18. Sarah Murray says:

    Fab website and post. Loving the long hair 🙂

  19. Lenore says:

    Lovely to catch up. Xx❤️🌺

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