Changing Weather
This week, we have had lots of weather. No rain, thankfully, there’s been quite enough of that recently, but the weather that we have had has reminded me more than once that although spring is definitely here, we’re not that far away from the end of winter.
Monday morning was beautiful, fine and sunny. I was quite taken by the way the sun shone through the branches and blossom of this hawthorn tree. It looked like the good weather was in the for week …
The sky remained a fabulous cornflower blue and the clouds white and fluffy. Perfect days for being out in the garden and walking the dog …
but by Wednesday, we woke up to thick fog. Usually we can see right past these trees to the other side of the field, but instead they were just silhouetted against a blanket of white. There’s always something a little eerie about the stillness of fog and how it makes everything look so black, but there’s also something a little exciting about it too.
I can remember being small and thinking that maybe the world was a bit different on the other side of the fog. Up ahead in this picture is a bridge, and usually you can see the path on the other side, but not today.
And then it all changed again. The blue sky was back, although it was chillier than it had been, and the sun was warm enough if you were out with a coat on. The clouds were still white and fluffy, but there were considerably more of them.
The sky cleared last night and there was the most wonderful full moon. One of the things I must do this year is get better at taking photos, but even though it looks hazy here, I still love that you can see the bright ball of the moon. There was a huge halo around it because it was so bright in the sky which seemed to emphasise the blackness of the trees. Soon the clocks will go forward and the nights will get lighter so the sky will change again at night. Aren’t we lucky to have so much weather to look at?
I hope you have had good weather wherever you are, and the sun shines for you this week.