Category: Knitting

Autumn leaves on the trees next to a canal. There are ducks in the water

Blogtober 2023 : Day 19

Goodness, there was some rain and wind last night!  By this morning, though, all was calm again and it was just dull and drizzly by the time I met up with my friend to...

A large empty wasp nest attached to the joists of a roof

Blogtober 2023 : Day 18

Hello to you, it’s Wednesday so we’re in the middle of the week now.  Thank you for letting me know that I’ve not been boring the pants off you over the last couple of...

A partly-knitted pink and green sock on a mustard sofa. A tabby and white cat has one paw on the sock

Blogtober 2023 : Day 15

Look at that sky! Ha!  I bet you thought you were on the wrong blog for a minute, didn’t you?  It’s been a good few days since I’ve had a blue sky to show...

A tabby and white cat sits in a cardboard box on top of a bookcase

Blogtober 2023 : Day 13

Today’s weather forecast:  nope, I’m going to let you guess 🙂 It’s Friday – hooray!  I’ve not so many photos to share today as I was doing some day job stuff this morning and...

A partly knitted sock held so that you can see the pink and neon green stripes

Blogtober 2023 : Day 12

Today’s weather report: no rain.  (Hooray!) We did have fog, though, so the dog and I stayed indoors until later when the sun came out and then we went back to the Nine Arches...

A handful of bright red miniature plum tomatoes

Blogtober 2023 : Day 11

Hello, hello, how are you doing?  I hope you’ve had a good day today! I’ve spent the day around the house because guess what?  It was raining – and oh boy, did it rain...