One more sleep!
It seemed like an age away only a few short months ago, but Yarndale weekend is finally here!
In a few short hours, the Auction Mart in Skipton will be transformed from this …
to this.
It’s one of those occasions that feels like a roller coaster clattering up the steep slope ready for the moment when the cars reach the top and glide down again at an unstoppable speed. I love the setting-up day when the Mart is full of bustle, noise and anticipation, and of course I love the Yarndale days too when the bustle, noise and anticipation levels swell immensely to fill the whole building with yarny happiness.
If you’re coming to see Lucy and me in the Knit n Natter lounge, don’t forget that there’s been a floor plan change this year. The main entrance door to the lounge is still there and you’ll find Lucy in the auction ring, but I’m going to be upstairs (you’ll be able to wave to me whilst you chat to Lucy!) and between us will be rows of bench seats with comfy cushions so that you can sit down for a bit and take in all that yarny happiness. You’ll need to come up some steps or a ramp to come and show me your socks, but I am sure you’ll be impressed with my lofty vantage point so it will be worth the effort 🙂
I’ll have my sample needles with me as usual if you haven’t tried knitting socks before but want to give it a go, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about knitting socks. I might not know the answer, but I’ll give it a go! 🙂
The Yarndale Sock Line will look a little different this year in our new space but I am very confident that it’s still going to look fabulous. The lighting is much better this year too, so you should get a good view of all the beautifully coloured yarns and all that socky love.
If you’re coming to pick up a pre-ordered copy of More Super Socks, please remember to bring your PayPal receipt so that I can match you up with the copies that I’ve set aside.
I’ll have more copies with me so if you wanted to look at the display copy first, there should still be copies to buy, and I’ll have Super Socks and the Winwick Mum Sockalong badges with me as well. Oh, and I’ve gone all tech and got a card reader this year which I hope will be helpful – get me! 🙂
It’s going to be such a good fun weekend, I can’t wait to see you if you’re coming to the festival and to tell you all about it if you’re not! See you soon! xx