Tagged: nature

Bluebell season

This is definitely one of my favourite times of the year when the bluebells are out, there’s greenery everywhere and there’s no doubt at all that the Earth is coming back to life. There...


According to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, “Nature abhors a vacuum”; in other words, an empty space will always be filled.  I’m not so impressed with this in my garden when a recently cleared border...

Herons and socks

After that title, you might have been hoping for a post about tall grey birds wearing hand-knits, in which case I’m sorry to disappoint you.  There are herons and socks in this post –...

Slow days

Well hello!  How are you on this fine February weekend?  Before I do anything else, I must say a HUGE thank you for all your lovely comments on the Easy Cable Socks.  I’m so...

Solar eclipse

It’s quite an amazing thing to see the moon pass in front of the sun.  It’s also quite eerie, but here in our part of the UK it wasn’t a total eclipse so although...