Tagged: daughters

A shrine gate on a lake. The gate looks like it is floating on the water

Postcards from Japan – part two

Hello, not so small daughter here again!  Thanks for coming back to read more about my trip to Japan.  If you missed it, you can read yesterday’s Postcards from Japan post here.   Our...

A view of Kyoto countryside through a round train window

Postcards from Japan – part one

Hiya! Not-so-small daughter here, home from Japan! I have had an amazing time on my travels, and I think we definitely managed to squeeze plenty in to two weeks! It started off with a...

An open suitcase with a turquoise blue hoody, a red, blue and white Guide necker (neckerchief) and a green and yellow fan lying on it

All my chickens …

have been back home where I like them to be this week!  I’ve had all my family in the house, even big daughter who has her own house but can still call this one...

A large cream-coloured cactus with furry legs (it looks a bit like a huge spider!) is sitting on a green table

Packing … and is that a plant?!

Hello, hello, it’s a flying visit today because we’re on countdown now to not so small daughter jetting off to Japan on Wednesday, plus we’ve got my cousin and her family visiting from Canada...

A field of golden barley with a group of dark trees in the distance for context. Above, the blue sky is partly covered with large white and one black cloud

Summer days

Hi!  How are you doing?  Today’s post has come out a bit later than I intended but you’ve got it to read now 🙂  I think it’s a little late to say “white rabbits”...

A white mug of tea and a rainbow-striped partly knitted sock are balanced on a stone wall. Behind them, the view is across green fields and trees to a lake and a mountain. The water is still and reflects the sky and the mountain

Still calm

It seems almost impossible that it’s a week ago that I last chatted with you and this was the view with my morning brew. Yes, I have slopped my tea down the side of...