Tagged: Peru

Time out

With big daughter’s Peru trip just under 2 weeks away now, we’ve been away this weekend to spend a bit of time together as a family without the usual hustle and bustle of routine life before...

Back to school

Don’t you just dread the alarm going off on a back-to-school morning?  I’ve been getting up at pretty much the same time over the holidays so it’s not like it’s a surprise, but this...

Peru Socks

I mentioned the other day that I had cast on a very special pair of socks, and I’m going to tell you all about them today.  Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the DK...

Preparations for Peru

Hello, I’m “big daughter” and it’s not long now until I go to Peru. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everyone’s generosity, through donations or by buying my Mum’s sock...