Tagged: 2024

A Christmas tree covered with lights outside a church

Is it Friday already?

Goodness, I don’t know about you, but I can’t quite believe that we’re at the end of the week already!  I’m really not very happy about the way the time is speeding along! Before...

The sun is shining through a tree onto a garden filled with greenery. The Winwick Mum logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

Monthly Musing – November 2024 – If only …

“… and then my friend said that if she had only known about this ten years ago, her life could have been completely different …” I’ve been chatting to a friend on the phone...

A woodland path covered in autumn leaves on a misty morning

Giving thanks

Are you ready for lots of photos?  We’re nearly at the end of November and I’ve still got so much to show you from this month! We don’t have Thanksgiving in the UK as...

A view across a busy square to Christmas market stalls light up with lights. A huge windmill is on the roof of the stalls.

Birmingham Christmas Market 2024

This time last weekend, I was in Birmingham catching up with another of my best friends whom I haven’t seen for a few years.  I’ve done my best to persuade my closest friends that...

A red-painted canal boat on a canal. A woman in a blue coat with a blue backpack is walking on the towpath, and buildings across the canal are reflected in the water

Skipton Tuesday

Last week, I took myself over to Skipton to see my friend Lucy of Attic24.  It ended up being a bit of an impromptu visit – one of those where we compared calendars and...

A collage of nine photos from the Blogtober round up post

Blogtober 2024 : Round up

Well, hello there!  I have finally caught up with myself and no, you are not mistaken, it really is November but here’s my Blogtober round up post as promised. At the end of the...