A world away

Big daughter is running a yoga retreat this weekend.  I can’t tell you how proud I am of her as it’s no mean feat to set one of these up, and she has booked a beautiful house overlooking Coniston Water in the Lake District and we are blessed with the loveliest Spring weather which, along with the purpose-built studio which has become a yoga studio for the weekend, has been just the right place to welcome guests.

It’s the perfect location to let go of the stress of the week and even of recent years, and as the weekend goes on, I am seeing the sharp edges drop from people’s faces and they are becoming softer and more relaxed.  It’s a small group and everyone has made new friends; meal times are jolly, communal affairs and I couldn’t have wished for anything better for my girl.

Her boyfriend and I are here to help things run smoothly because as organised as anyone is, they can’t do everything on a retreat themselves, and we are making sure that everyone has everything they need and that the food is wholesome and plentiful.  There’s nothing worse than being hungry on an organised weekend where you can’t nip into your own kitchen and as well as the huge pans of chilli, curry and bolognese that we’re offering at meal times, we’ve got plenty of fruit, veg sticks and even vegan chocolate chip biscuits to go with a cup of tea in between.

Big daughter has planned her schedule so that there is plenty of free time between yoga sessions and even as I’m writing to you, the whole group has gone down to Coniston Lake to dip their toes into the icy early morning water (it’s before 8am!) – and no, as you can see, I didn’t go with them as someone has to put the kettle on for when they get back!  Instead, I am enjoying the view and have been taking the opportunity to work a few rounds of my Elements DK sock, listen to the birds and the sound of the breeze in the trees and breathe in fresh air.  Last night, we sat out and watched the stars – oh, so many of them! – and tracked satellites crossing the heavens.  One person even saw a shooting star and definitely made a wish but I missed that – maybe tonight as we’re here for another day.

Even though I’m working behind the scenes here (and often my favourite role to have), I’m feeling much more relaxed myself just from being here. Big daughter’s boyfriend and I are having a great time with our Retreat Manager role and it’s such a different kind of weekend that it’s impossible not to appreciate being out of the ordinary here.  It’s been a new adventure for all of us and it’s been the very best kind.

There’s talk of another retreat in the future – and I’d certainly be up for that!


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16 Responses

  1. Geeha says:

    Weekend sounds wonderful. It’s a special time when you see how all the love, time and tears you spent raising a child have blossomed.

  2. Laura says:

    The weekend sounds wonderful , what a beautiful place your daughter has chosen
    Yoga I something I keep thinking I would like to try .
    Congratulations to your girl and hope that she runs many more retreats .xx

  3. Lin says:

    Sounds blissful!

  4. Christine Knowler says:

    What a wonderful weekend. So pleased it went well for your daughter and you were able to help. The Lake District is such a beautiful place just right for a yoga retreat.

  5. Ruth says:

    Wow that sounds wonderful Christine! What a marvellous endeavor for Big Daughter! And you have been blessed with beautiful weather in that unbelievable scenery.
    My husband and I once went on a mad drive to an unknown destination ( we live on the South Coast) and ended up at 3 a.m in the pitch black in the Lake District, slept in the car in the lay by, and to open my eyes at 6 o clock and find myself with a similar view to the one above, with a small deer in front of the car, was one of the most magical moments of my life.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

  6. Jaci Bowman says:

    This sounds fabulous. I would like to start yoga and I’m thinking a weekend / week retreat might be a good way to start. Please pass my details on to your daughter. 😊

  7. Laura Miller says:

    You must be one proud Mama! Huge congrats to your daughter. Is she going to arrange knitting retreats too? Or maybe Yoknit Retreats (yoga and knitting! Have fun. xx

  8. Maureen Ross says:

    What are you knitting in the photo above? It looks Devine

    • winwickmum says:

      Socks! It’s always socks – these are a pair that I think will be a new pattern and the yarn is Elements DK by West Yorkshire Spinners 🙂 xx

  9. Yvonne Basher says:

    Hi Christine – we are also staying in the Lake District-in our caravan just outside Coniston village until Wednesday. I am amazed by our luck with the weather this
    trip. The Lake District-is magical, not sure if it’s the air, the people, the food or the extra time for knitting. I was even knitting in the car on the ferry trip from Bowness to Hawkeshead with the window down when a lady going back to her car asked what I was knitting. Hope your your time in the Lakes is as good as ours. With very best wishes. Yvonne

  10. Lenore says:

    It sounds like a fabulous weekend Christine. You must be so proud of your daughter. It looks like a beautiful place to stay. Moments like these fill your heart with joy. Xx

  11. Ruth Brown says:

    Wow a retreat sounds good to me since my son, my nephew and I spent Friday moving me into my new apartment which I absolutley love. I took my sister to breakfast yesterday then spent time shopping and giggling like 2 teenagers instead of 2 seniors lol but we had a wonderful time. Spent lots of time unpacking and trying to get organized. My other sister will be over tomorrow to help me. I just wana get done so I can sit and knit my socks. Enjoy your weekend.
    Love Ruthie

  12. Carita says:

    So glad you’re having a break in the Lake District. Now that restrictions are beginning to lessen for intl travel, I hope to return! I am interested in the pattern of the sock in your picture! I like the 2-tone effect and would like to try a pair when I finish the baby sweater I’m into. Thanks for directing me to it! Enjoying your site & blog! 💙

  13. Geraldine says:

    Christine how wonderful! Family, knitting, yoga, sun, food, I feel so relaxed just imagining it.

  14. Lorna White says:

    I’m sure you are so proud of your daughter and also her boyfriend in being so interested in supporting her along with you by her side. I love hearing how many young uns start up and forge ahead in their chosen path. Hard work, dedication and passion and most of all enjoyment along their journey in life, just like yourself Christine xx

  15. Susan Rayner says:

    That sounds just wonderful!

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