Blogtober 2021 : Day 25

I had every intention of writing about my visit to RHS Harlow Carr today, but it hasn’t worked out like that.  Instead of looking at garden photos, I have been updating the accounts for the my husband’s business (my day job) and it has all taken far longer than I thought it would.  I’d managed to transpose some numbers and the balance didn’t match up with the bank account … it took me ages to work out what I’d done and that was even before I started wading through a mountain of receipts.  Note to self – don’t leave it all till the end of the month!

I think it must just have been a peculiar sort of day.  Mondays are often like that for me; I’m a danger to myself and would be safer staying in bed!  I walked the dog on a particular route because I needed to go to the supermarket to pick up a clothes order for not so small daughter and buy some baking potatoes for dinner.  I went into the supermarket, said hello to a friend, bought some yoghurts and realised when I got home that I hadn’t even thought about the potatoes or the clothes order so I’ll need to go back again another day.

It was a lovely morning to be out with the dog and I took a couple of photos of the daytime moon.  I was as fascinated by the clouds as by seeing the moon out early in the day; they were very high and wispy (generally a sign of a good day, I think, although it did rain this afternoon) and that long line of cloud in front of the moon moved really fast.  I could have stood watching the clouds for a long time, but I was already later than I wanted to be so I didn’t hang around.

A blue sky layered with wispy white clouds. There is vegetation in the foreground. A daytime moon is in the centre of the photo. A closer photo of the moon and the clouds.

It’s half-term here and my husband took not so small daughter shopping at a large shopping outlet this afternoon.  He quite likes to do that as long as it’s not every week (to be honest, I’m not sure his wallet could take that!) and they’ve had a great time and come back with a new Winter coat each, a stack of books for not so small daughter (she’s reading voraciously at the moment which we are happy to encourage) and a pair of new Winter gloves and a scarf for himself.  I am DELIGHTED that the Winter coat situation is sorted without me having to traipse around everywhere looking for the perfect jacket for not so small daughter so I don’t feel bad at all that they’ve been out and I’ve been here with the mountain of receipts.

I’ve still not finished and I’d really like to get it all done today so I’m going to make myself a brew and get back to it.  And then I’m going to bed – it’s the safest place for me today! 🙂

See you tomorrow! xx


Edit:  It’s 10pm and the moon is visible now, shining bright amongst clouds that are still wispy in a sky dotted with stars.  It looks so much closer than it did this morning and of course that’s to do with how the Earth moves but it is still a kind of magic, especially to see it twice in one day!


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4 Responses

  1. Barbara says:

    Oh I know those days 🙂 All I needed to remember was milk. Yes you’ve guessed I forgot so no milk for breakfast tomorrow yikes! Hope you get the accounts sorted. I don’t blame you for putting them off. Better day tomorrow I’m sure. B x

    • winwickmum says:

      Oh no! I hope you manage to get some milk before too long! I keep a carton of UHT in the cupboard in case of those emergencies – not my favourite to drink but better than nothing! 🙂 xx

  2. Lynne Wilcox says:

    A tip I learnt while working in a bank is that if the amount you are out by in your balancing is divisible by 9 it is usually a reversal of numbers somewhere. Therefore if you are out by 18 it’s a reversal of 20 for 02.

    • winwickmum says:

      Oh that’s interesting, thank you! I was out by £1.80 as I’d written 64 instead of 46 so that would fit with your tip. I’ll try to remember that for next time because it was blooming annoying until I worked it out! xx

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