Got the voting bug?

Has the General Election left you feeling fired up?  Ready to vote again?  Hand poised in anticipation of making your mark?

How about if you could vote for something different … something yarny … how about if you could vote for your favourite yarn shops, yarn manufacturers, knitting and crochet designers … bloggers?

Vote for me!

No, I haven’t completely lost the plot, and I’m certainly not going to make you any political promises (and I haven’t forgotten that new tutorial coming up – blame it on school holiday mush-brain).  But I am absolutely over the moon to tell you that the nominations have been announced for the British Knitting and Crochet Awards and Winwick Mum has been nominated for the Favourite Knitting Blog category.  Wow!  Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to fill in the form in the Let’s Knit magazine or complete the online survey and put my name in the box.  It means a great deal to know that my yarny ramblings are appreciated!

The voting is now open for the Awards and there are more categories then ever, meaning that there’s more chance for you to make sure that you get to support those people in the yarn industry who brighten your day.  From independent dyers to designers, favourite charities to Yarn Shop Day experiences (and bloggers, did I mention them? J ) there are big names and small independents and I am thrilled to be listed alongside all of them.

There are 4 prizes this year for those who choose to vote – £250 to spend at, 2 knitting and crochet bundles worth £200 and 1 knitting and crochet bundle worth £100 which are all worth the effort of completing a form (how many more of us would have turned out to vote in the General Election if yarn was offered on the way out of the polling station?!).

You can find the voting page here: or you can click the picture below. The voting closes on 30 August 2017.  

Thank you!  xx

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6 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    I've tried to vote but it's only for Uk residents. How disappointing! I really like your blog and think you deserve the prize. Irune

    • Winwick Mum says:

      Oh that's a shame – I did look to see if I could see whether it said UK only anywhere but didn't spot it. Thanks for trying anyway, I do appreciate it! xx

  2. Pam says:

    Done and dusted. Fingers crossed for you. (but not when knitting)

  3. Anna says:

    I have voted for you! Thanks to you none of my friends and family need to have cold feet anymore! xx

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