Monthly Archive: February 2017

February half term

It’s school half term this week in our part of the country and I have thoroughly enjoyed not having to rush about in the mornings.  It’s going to be horrible next week when I...

British Craft Awards 2017

Do you fancy coming to an awards ceremony?  Come on then, grab your coat and jump in the car – we’re heading to the NEC exhibition centre at Birmingham so it’s a bit of...

Herons and socks

After that title, you might have been hoping for a post about tall grey birds wearing hand-knits, in which case I’m sorry to disappoint you.  There are herons and socks in this post –...

Monthly Musing – February 2017 – My daughter, my friend

I was absolutely convinced, when I woke up on the morning of my thirteenth birthday, that the world was going to be different. Having officially become a Teenager, there was going to be a...


Today is, I have been reliably informed by big daughter who knows about these things, “hump day”.  It sounds vaguely rude to me, but according to the Collins Dictionary it’s the middle of the working...

Slow days

Well hello!  How are you on this fine February weekend?  Before I do anything else, I must say a HUGE thank you for all your lovely comments on the Easy Cable Socks.  I’m so...