Tagged: 2016

Remembrance Sunday

They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them nor years condem. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember...


It’s a strange sort of day today. Across the world from me in the US, elections have taken place that will affect not just that country but the whole world.  People are either happy...

Treasure hunting

According to the months of the year poem by Sara Coleridge, “Dull November brings the blasts, Then the leaves are whirling fast” I certainly won’t disagree that the leaves are falling from the trees...

Must knit faster … knitting faster!

I think it’s a human characteristic that no matter what we are doing, we are always looking ahead to the next project.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s a book to read, household jobs to...

Half term

Small daughter went back to school today after her half-term holiday, and apart from the usual “my shoes don’t fit me” conversation just as we were about to get in the car which I...

Super Socks now available at ….

Up until now, Super Socks has only been available online at Amazon in both the paperback and the Kindle format.  I’m delighted to tell you that it’s now available at Barnes & Noble in paper...