Category: Yarn

A pair of blue variegated socks on wooden sock blockers against a white wooden board background. There is a shell and a ceramic starfish next to the socks.

Avoiding colour pooling and flashing on sock gussets

There’s something very exciting about knitting with a variegated yarn and seeing how the colours turn out – often it’s not at all how you’d expect! Take a look at the pair of Mermaid’s...

A pair of green, blue, pink, red and purple sparkly socks modelled on feet. The model is surrounded by tinsel, baubles and rolls of gift ribbon.

Vintage Tinsel – WYS Christmas 2021 yarn

Psst!  I know it’s a bit early to be talking about Christmas, but would you like to see something new? You would?  I thought so! Ta dah! These socks are called Twinkle Toes and...

What a week!

Hello to you!  It’s Saturday and phew, what a week it has been! I don’t want to write a whole post of doom and gloom so I’m going to start by showing you a...

A pair of blue variegated socks with solid blue cuffs, heels and toes are modelled to look like a mermaid's tail. There is a bag of shells to the left and a ceramic starfish to the right of the socks.

Spotted somewhere in the north west …

A strange creature with a mermaid-like tail … or perhaps they were just feet in brand new socks! I am so pleased to have these socks off the needles and onto my feet!  It...

Winwick Mum Seasons yarn – all about the patterns!

Well, what a week it’s been!  We’ve had ALL the seasonal weather here over the last seven days – sunshine, snow, rain, blustery winds … I could have changed my socks several times every...

Winwick Mum Seasons yarn – colours and inspiration

Oh wow, oh wow, OH WOW! Thank you so much for all your lovely words and appreciation for my new Seasons yarn collection – it really has been incredible!  💕 Thank you very much too...