Category: Outdoors

A black dog in a muddy pond. There is a trail of black mud in the water where he's walking

Why is the dog always so smelly?

Hello, hello, how are you doing? It feels like aaaaages since I’ve written a catch-up chat blog post and I’ve really missed it!  Having said that, I have thoroughly enjoyed the posts of the last...

A view across Manchester from the cocktail bar of a tall hotel building. There is a cocktail menu on the table


Big daughter spent some time with a good friend of hers and her toddler son last week. “Mum, he’s so cute!” she exclaimed, showing me photos of the little chap enthralled by ducks on...

A ball of multi-coloured yarn on a flat silver-coloured weighing scale. The ball of yarn weighs 25g.

Out of steam

This week, after all the rushing of recent weeks, I am out of steam.  I’ve spent the week not getting very far very fast and I’ve tried to remember that sometimes, this is just...

Two purple and green passionflowers on a plant growing against a wooden shed wall

Rush rush

I’ve spoken to quite a few people recently, and maybe you’re experiencing the same thing, but it seems as if there are too many things to do in a day and not enough day...

In the foreground is a slice of lemon cake with a fork on a white plate on a mesh table. Behind is a bottle of brown drink, and next to it a bottle of yellow drink and a triangular slice of cake on a plate. The table is outside a cafe in the countryside

Important questions

This week, I have been pondering some of life’s important questions* like: Why is it that when you wash any clothing that has removable padding, such as a sports bra or a bikini, the...

A completed Fish Lips Kiss sock heel. The leg of the sock is blue and rainbow stripes and the heel is pink. The sock is lying on a wooden table next to an orange mug of tea

Lost in space

It’s been a funny week, this week.  Last week, I finished all the commission work that I have been working on since the beginning of the year ending with the release of the Sun...