Sunny Sunday

It’s been snowing in other parts of the country today but not, of course, in the volcanic hotspot that is Winwick.  Here, it’s been beautifully Spring-like with bright sunshine that was even warm enough to sit out in for short periods of time, so I did!

A blue speckled sock on a circular needle rests on arm of a wooden garden bench next to an orange mug. In the background is a hedge.

I’ve been Spring cleaning today, I’ve blitzed the house from top to bottom and rewarded myself every now and again with a brew and a few rounds of my sock.  Do you ever do that?  Use your knitting as a reward to get you through something that you’d probably prefer not to do?  Cleaning isn’t my favourite activity but I do feel very virtuous now the house is sparkling and smells of fresh air as all the windows have been open.  And yes, that is the Mermaid’s Tail sock and no, it’s not finished.

I’ve been experimenting with ways to avoid the pooling on the gusset that you get with yarns from time to time and I think I’ve come up with a way to do it, so I’ll write it up as a tutorial in the next couple of weeks if that would be helpful, but it has meant that I’ve re-knitted the gusset more times than I usually would do on one sock!

This was last night’s sunset, the most amazing blaze of colours that could almost have been mistaken for a Summer Sunset yarn photo, but it wasn’t really warm enough to be sitting out with a cool glass of something watching the bats.  Big daughter sat out for a while with a friend in front of the chiminea and they were both wrapped up in blankets with hats and gloves on, so roll on the warmer days, or days when a friend can come into the house!

A sunset photo taken across a field

I hope you’ve had a lovely day too!

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14 Responses

  1. Kaisievic says:

    Love the colours in your sock and so nice to have lovely weather – we have had an antarctic blast here in Melbourne over the weekend – an early taste of winter! Brrr!

  2. Bright Morning says:

    I am so happy to see the popularity of your new sock pattern book. Unfortunately, it is sold out. I want to knit the purple one. Will you release the patterns singly?

    • Winwick Mum says:

      Yes, West Yorkshire Spinners have a created single digital downloads for the Seasons patterns – try your local yarn shop as they might have them, and you'll also find them at Wool Warehouse, LoveCrafts (UK and US), Eskdale Yarns (New Zealand) so you should be able to track them down!

    • Bright Morning says:

      Thank you!

  3. Richard says:

    Is that a hedgerow of Magnolias behind your sock in the first picture? Strange. I do not care for Magnolias here in the States. I know, sacrilege words for a Southerner here. But, you can't compost the leaves and it would take a nuclear explosion to incinerate them too! Nice colors in your sock and that is a beautiful sunset in the second photo. Glad you had a wonderful Sunday and Best Wishes for the rest of your week.

    • Winwick Mum says:

      No, it's a Prunus laurocerasus or Cherry laurel, but you're right about the leaves! It's a good thick hedging plant here but it does need cutting a couple of times a year. Magnolias tend to be specimen plants here and I do love them, although I bet it's not so much fun living somewhere where there are masses of them if you don't!

  4. Knitting Bandit says:

    What a great idea! I shall try this tomorrow when tidying up.

  5. Geeha says:

    In Worcestershire we had snow showers that didn't settle but the sun shone as we stood in the churchyard singing the last hymn without masks, socially distanced, as we did on Easter Sunday. So good after a year of singing along to Zoom church or no singing when out of lockdown.

    I avoid cleaning that isn't necessary for hygiene, using arthritis and age as an excuse, but the Spring sunshine shows up smears and dust and you're right that it does look good but for me it's short bursts of cleaning followed by sitting knitting or crocheting with a mug of hot chocolate over several days.

    • Winwick Mum says:

      Oh that must have felt fantastic! Our church is still having online services and is in vacancy too so I don't know when they'll open it again.

  6. irune says:

    Lovely pictures! Here the weather was rainy and cold…I hope it gets warmer soon and we can spend more time outdoors. Have a nice week!

  7. CrazyforScotland says:

    Lovely early autumn weather down from low 30C to mid 20’s for a day or so this week. Perfect knitting weather, don’t need the air0con. Sending you some Ozzie sunshine and a hug.

  8. Unknown says:

    I don't "clean" anymore, just "tidy". The feelings of guilt over a half hearted job of cleaning are gone and I can always feel good about tidying up!

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