Monthly Archive: March 2018


According to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, “Nature abhors a vacuum”; in other words, an empty space will always be filled.  I’m not so impressed with this in my garden when a recently cleared border...

Monthly Musing – March 2018 – Spoiler alert

I spend a lot of time on social media, in my own Winwick Mum Facebook groups (here and here) and in others, and also on Instagram where I love to see the stream of...


Phew, what a busy week it’s been!  I was away for a few days last weekend and as much as I loved and appreciated the rest, it does take a few more days to...


The snow came out of nowhere last Thursday; we opened the curtains and there it was.  It may have been on the weather forecast but we hadn’t listened to it so it was quite...

Mother’s Day 2018

“Mothering Sunday is about love, so today is a day when we give thanks for those who have loved us, who love us still and care for us, whoever they are.  It can be...