Monthly Archive: February 2016

More Northern inspiration – Arne and Carlos workshop and lecture

Whatever your knitting or crocheting project preference, there can’t be many people who haven’t heard of the Norwegian design duo, Arne and Carlos.  From flowers to slippers, socks to jumpers, Easter bunnies to Christmas...

Rained off

I was supposed to be spending today outside, clearing up the garden, cutting back, shredding and generally having a nice time getting ready for spring.  And then the weather happened. I watched rather dismally...

Sockalong Knit n Natter at Black Sheep Wools

One of the things that I’m really keen on is the well-being aspect of knitting and crocheting.  I love the way that sitting down with your project even for a short while seems to...

Northern inspirations

If you were to ask me about my favourite period in history, it is without question the Romans.  It always has been, and I am fascinated by the extent of the Roman Empire and...

The Makery in Rainford

A couple of weekends ago I spent the morning at The Makery in Rainford, near to St Helens.  The weeks have flashed past and I haven’t had time to tell you about it so...

Online Knitter of the Year

It’s lovely to be able to sit down at lunch time with a new magazine to look forward to reading, isn’t it? I was particularly looking forward to reading this magazine, and now I...