Monthly Musing – July 2012 – Bloomin’ Kids!

In a gap between rain showers, I managed to get into the garden today to catch up on some jobs.  The weeds have shot up, the grass is like a jungle and flowers past their best need cutting back.  I spent a happy few hours tidying up and noticing what’s been happening in the borders whilst I’ve been stuck inside.

After having spent many years gardening, I’ve realised that some plants grow or not despite your best efforts.  All I can do is give them the best possible start, make sure they have the nutrients and light that they need and provide support as they get bigger.  It’s similar to what I’m trying to do for my children, although I doubt they’d thank me for a big helping of horse muck every spring!

Big daughter took small daughter to the pictures this week.  They went with a group of big daughter’s friends who are all very kind to small daughter, despite the fact that she is considerably younger than them and doesn’t understand the importance of street cred.  Big daughter has forgotten that it’s only a couple of years since she was first allowed to go to the pictures on her own – a nerve-racking few hours for me even though I dropped her off and picked her up again and knew that she’d be safe enough in the cinema – and replied to my ‘Everything OK?’ text with a uninformative ‘Yep’.  Did that mean that they really were OK, or that small daughter had run off and they were looking out for her and who knew what disasters had befallen them?  I tried to Keep Calm and Be Rational and of course, everything was just fine.

Small daughter is still raving about how she went to pictures with the Big Girls.  Unfortunately for big daughter, it means that her sister will want to go with her every time she goes to watch a film, but that’s not a bad thing.  They’re doing OK together, my girls; sometimes they can’t look at each other without squabbling but for the most part they get along very well and I am pleased to think that they will always have each other to rely on.

Not everyone is as lucky as we are right now with our daughters.  Just like the plants, sometimes despite your best efforts they don’t turn out how you expect them to and unlike in a garden, you can’t think that ‘there’s always next year’ when the new growing season starts.  All we can do is try to give them the best possible start; we make sure they have good food and everything that they need (though not always what they want!) and provide support as they get bigger.  In the end, though, you just have to stand back and let them grow on their own and with any luck, watch them bloom.


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3 Responses

  1. Sue (Mac's Girl) says:

    How true! But you can't help worrying about them however old they are.

  2. Winwick Mum says:

    You're absolutely right – but isn't the trick to live long enough to be a worry to your children? 😉

  3. Sue (Mac's Girl) says:

    Good point!

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